twhIch aye? the wrIte 1...

Xploring the mystIcal signAGE along the way ↑

-military charades -government parades -media VIRTUEal REALity -behind the scenes RITes of the ODds

stay safe little ones · we're in for a bumpy ride

enjoy CREATion · live full · stay happy inSPITE of · live in YOUr connection to the CREATor · stay human ♥

- - -

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The End of Time

:spoilers, sort of:

i LOVE dr. WHO. i'm going to miss David Tenant as the dr.
the end of time was a great show. i almost cried. there was a lot synchofied stuff in there. a little list and i hope i can get back to it to expand/expound.

galifrey descending
obama bright light
the master mutating humans using humans
green aliens (cacti)
donna saved saved fromself
the link
the time lords/gods with little g ascend to consciousness
the masters end actions
the small human goal ushering in the universal goal and the end


there's been a lot going on... a little list to remember it all.

-HORSE in SUN flare
-civet coffee
-WP rallies LA

that's some of the more recent... will dig up the other stuff. that bombshell thingy o fizzled out after the moscow bombing... haven't heard much since. hmmm...

will be back