twhIch aye? the wrIte 1...

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stay safe little ones · we're in for a bumpy ride

enjoy CREATion · live full · stay happy inSPITE of · live in YOUr connection to the CREATor · stay human ♥

- - -

Monday, March 1, 2010

Gator rejects Tiger's pledge

I pledge allegence to the hag and to the unit(I)ed states of my bank account... see me cry, with puffy eyes and let me stand... i want your money i want your fame please keep on letting me play the game!

Gator(aid) drops Tiger

maybe he was a sacrifice to the Golden Tiger, afterall it's his year and for there to be 2 GOLDen tigers would be plenty disrespectful, no?

Tiger is was God

Obama amd Clinton call Tiger in INsta-REhab ← I know Clinton can relate... can Obama too? hmmm

update: THEy say onLy ClInton callEd... hmmm...

↓ (before you click NSFM NSFO ☆ CONtroversial CONtent below)
tigeR cOulD have used this?

[↑date]march 12, 2010 --

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