if your a classic rock baby and you don't mind your (((SENSE)))-itivities being knocked around for the sake of 'truth', check out this article...
and also to wRAP up this little nichieniche of the peaceniks, check out the century of the SELF series (there's 4 -- 4 pt. episodes and alot of folks got em' uploaded on YT so just google if link doesn't work... 3rdkrypton on YT has em all under label--->'How to Stupify Society')... talks about \eSALEn/ and what a load a crap that all was and who and why that created. many many many folks have been hurt by the bullshit that has streamed and is still streaming out that mind(((zapping))) cult factory.
here's a little video series about the also ∴spontaneous∴ beginnings of the hip hOP culture. yeah they were all supposed to be SPAWN-tain-eous... (and here's another1)
since the family units were BROKEn down↓ and replaced with all these different CREATEd CULTure unITs... and all ties to previous oral history cut and conviently CONVINCE-ingly re-writtten manufacturered into the little handbooks regurgitated at the ZOMBIE factories... we CIVILized privileged folks really don't have a clue about what is true and what's not true anymore. so what to do? or more correctly i SHOULD say what am I to do? we are all on our own now.
:or is that a little too memphis · bleak???!:
well i'll see if the views changes as the sleep continues to fall from my eYES...
↑date same day, later hour -- i was just thinking... so they destroyed the family units (immediate and extended), but they know that it is a strong human drive to be in a group... so there is the reason for these trends, fads and CULTures... satisfies the need superficially, yet is controlled in the background by those CONnected ones. in the family the trust factor was HIGH. in these IMITAT(E)ion tribes, the equalibrium of the BLOODties is not there.
the 'seeking peace and love in the world' (<---insert personal ideal here) members are trusting to the point of gullibility. then a wrong occurs and the person falls deeper into gullibility :denial:, or the person calls himself smart>leaves>and finds himself doing it all over again in another CULTure CREATEd. each time finding himself in a spot where he instinctively looks to a puppet dressed up in LEADer SAV(E)iour GUr(G)U (baby where's your BABA?) clothing.
eVAL is a briliantly subtle mad genius disguised as a crazy raving mad lunatic.
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