twhIch aye? the wrIte 1...

Xploring the mystIcal signAGE along the way ↑

-military charades -government parades -media VIRTUEal REALity -behind the scenes RITes of the ODds

stay safe little ones · we're in for a bumpy ride

enjoy CREATion · live full · stay happy inSPITE of · live in YOUr connection to the CREATor · stay human ♥

- - -

Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Who?!

just watched the new Dr. Who... i love him. he is great! great show, great traveler amy pond... just great!

like how as soon as he gets out of the tardis he asks eamelia/amy for an APPLE... new beginings... the Dr. and E > eve... :nevermiiiiiind: son told me it amelia with an a!... O_O

prisoner 0 (zero) has escaped... 0's

"all your O are belong to us" O > 0

Zero Wing... the Dr.

BULLOCK james and the baby

so next CHAPter... miss BULLock has UN·VEILed a baby.

just for my REeFERence and PUZZLEment...

lOOking over my past post, i see i didn't write about miss BULLock's syncs to the nazi world. well here we go...

Sandra Annette Bullock was born in Arlington, Virginia, the daughter of Helga D. Meyer (1942–2000), a German opera singer and voice teacher, and John W. Bullock (born 1925), a voice coach and executive from Alabama.[4][5] Bullock's maternal grandfather was a rocket scientist from Nuremberg, Germany.[6] Bullock lived in Nuremberg until age twelve, where she sang in the opera's children's choir at the Staatstheater Nürnberg.[7] She frequently traveled with her mother on her opera tours, and lived in Germany and other parts of Europe for much of her childhood. She is fluent in German.

now for the links...

- Arlington is the home of the Pentagon and and Fort Meyers. they remind of that whole CIA mk Ultra hippie thing.

- Nuremberg and nazi. Nuremberg capital?, Nuremberg Laws, Nuremberg trials.

- grandfather was a rocket scientist from Nuremberg > Operation Paper Clip? > Fort Bliss > clockwork orange > based on mk ultra activities?

- baby Louis unveiled after 3 months.

- statement hiding the baby was a CIA operation

- the name Louis means 'fame and war'

- Bardo is the name of an 11th century German saint

- comments on news articles say baby Louis is bi-racial > black and jewish

- necklace around baby Louis' neck > rainbow colored beads > over the rainbow? > phrase allegedly used during trauma programing

okay what the heckers?! is there more to come? i hope i am just seeing something where there is nothing for baby sake...