twhIch aye? the wrIte 1...

Xploring the mystIcal signAGE along the way ↑

-military charades -government parades -media VIRTUEal REALity -behind the scenes RITes of the ODds

stay safe little ones · we're in for a bumpy ride

enjoy CREATion · live full · stay happy inSPITE of · live in YOUr connection to the CREATor · stay human ♥

- - -

Sunday, July 18, 2010

the great SPACE coaster

will spin you through the galaxy... [← travel THROUGH the fish?]

UFO Xiaoshan Airport July 7, 2010

link to [video] debated as to whether it's linked to Chinese UFO sighting or missile sighting over Kazakhstan, but is being reported as so

Light beams Xiamen Huandao Road July 12, 2010

Thousands of fish try to commit suicide in Xiamen Binhai Park July 14, 2010

[video] so long and thanks for all the fish

Second Sighting July 15,2010

Earth Atmosphere Large Contraction July 15, 2010
[birth to? labor pains?]

Chili earthquake in Concepción February 27, 2010

:due date: movie Nov. 5, 2010

will it be delayed?

2010: the year we make contact


:trust none of what you hear and only half of what you see:

what is belief? is belief a good thing? how about postulates? postulates can be enterTAINed, discarded and re-enterTAINed as necessary.

no need to be inVESTed

for what purpose?

saw this at the secret sun...
request a guide

is the constellation shown Orion?

Ford Prefect a Betelgeusian

:and don't forget your towel:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

what's going on?

there's a war. not the war we see. invisible war for the minds of the feared.

i'm really troubled. ← understatement. so many young men losing touch. schizophrenia, paranoia, hearing voices. brilliant bright smart young men suddenly living in a shadow world. what's going on?

i never saw this back in the day. only once when a friend was wrongfully jailed. he freaked out and :they: shot him up with something to :contain: him and he was never the same again. he was only in the wrong place at the wrong time. an artist. a gentle mind. lost.

common denoms = weed/drugs and they.