(this has been sitting in my cue for awhile... it's got spelling errors and i lost some info when my browser froze, so i'm just gonna post it and add the pics and additional info later...)
i don't really check out gosSIP(SIP) but this one caught my eye for some reason... the saga of sandra bullock, jesse james and miss bombshell. i've always thought ms. bullock seemed cool, but i've come across some interesting information that seems familiar. jesse james i always thought looked aryan nation, but i discounted it when i saw he lived in long beach and chalked it up to growin' up around esés and the folks, and maybe that's why he looked gang-ish. ms. michelle bombshell mcgee looks messed up. these are just my opinions of course since i don't know none of these folks.
well the neo nazi connection is where i'm starting from...
starting with ms. bullock... according to wikipedia, she was born in arlington, va. where some of the alledged CIA hippie kids came from... near important military installations, so this goes with (((my previous shake up))). her dad was a voice coach who married a german opera singer and ms. bullock grew up in Nuremberg which was an important place for Nazi Germany as it was a former capital of the Holy Roman Empire and the physical center of Germany. she also speaks fluent german from growing up in the area. her maternal grandfather was also a german rocket scientist.
now for mr. james... he owns a company called Mighty Whitey, which i don't know if the title is intended to be white supremacist neo nazi, but a white supremacist neo nazi would certainly appreciate it. there is also supposed to be pictures of him somewhere that show him wearing a nazi uniform cap giving the nazi salute.
the media is reporting that miss bombshell may be a neo nazi. she's got a WP tattoo that is supposed to stand for white power and her ex-husband says she's got a swastika tattoo on her stomach... and of course the photos of her in her nazi gear.
so this led me to keanu reeves... when the story of keanu reeves giving a tiny statement on what's happening i thought hmmm... neo nazi... NEO nazi...
keanu - neo nazi - NEO
and keanu's movie POINT BREAK has neo nazi surfers in it. anthony kedis played the lead neo nazi and appears to have some ties to that whole laurel canyon CIA hippie scene via his dad. there's a lot of stuff in this film, but one thing that stuck out for me was that it was filmed at LATIGO Beach, in Malibu...
via movie mistakes, there's a brief film scene in the movie APOCALYPSE NOW where a soldier comes in to tell the a commander that one of the soldiers is the famous SURFER Lance Johnson and he has LATIGO on the back of his hat in one scene and then it disappears in another. i wish i could find a photo but i couldn't... maybe i will try to get one myself later...
so a latigo is a leather strap, a cinch on a saddle on a HORSE and brought to mind with all the other clues 4 horsemen and the APOCALYPSE.
there is a lot in this movie too, but of course mr. laurence FISHburne stuck out like a sore thumb being that he is in THE MATRIX with mr. reeves as morpheus the master of dreams.
so now i'm a go back to the nazi thing... by scrambling the letters, you can get the word zain out of n a z i...
ZAIN is the syriac version of the 7th letter of the hebrew alphabet - ZAYIN...
nazi - zain - zayin
zayin means weapon · sword
(in modern hebrew slang it also means penis - james infidelity?)
lezayen means aim
according to innerlight.org, the zayin reflects the or yashar (a part of the previous letter, the vav) as or chozer ("RETURNING LIGHT") <--- Jesus? lucifer? planet x? twin sun? giant solar flare? anything i missed??? when written in foreign or loanwords it is represented by ʒ · z · 3
the zayin looks like a trident, which brings it to Neptune's TRIDENT...
[zayin / trident]
Neptune is the god of water... water - emotions - subconscious - dreams... ties in with Morpheus...
[neptune / watery dream / morpheus ship / nebuchadneezer dreams]
the water... the (((BO-AT))) post... the surfing aspect...
the hebrew month connected with the zayin is SIVAN... it's 30 days in between May and June and is the 3rd month of the canonical calendar... number 3 is said to represent God's Mercy in the hebrew mysteries
sivan is supposed to be the month that God descended to Mt. Sinai to give the torah to Moses.
at the top of the wikipedia page, it directs users who land on sivan, that they may be looking for shiva...
[sivan wikipedia]
blue (water-emotions-subconscious-dreams) · ashes (of destruction - BOMBshell) · tiger (year of the tiger?) · TRIDENT · 3rd eye · DESTROYER OF WORLDS · the Auspicious One
mr. reeves who played KLAATU (SHIVA-esque) in the day the earth stood still...
[klaatu dess poster]
and he will being portraying LORD VISHNU in an upcoming movie Hanuman... vishnu is one of the sacred Trimurti - triad of the hindus... Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma (ms. BULLock)
Brahma : the Creator · Vishnu : the maintainer or preserver · Shiva : the destroyer transformer
besides being watery, Neptune also represents the pineal gland, the 3rd eye, 3 fold of being... birth, life, death...
the shadow / the hidden side of life / transformation
brahma / vishnu / shiva
there's more but i may do a second post on their birthdays and those connections or i may post them here...
↑date -- suicide bombing in Moscow subway... don't know if it's connected yet... am going to check it out...
Xploring the mystIcal signAGE along the way ↑

-military charades -government parades -media
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