jay-z and geMATRI(X)a...

SYNCHonasia in seSSion: geMATRI(X)a REmEdiaL 95
i've conTInuEd looking into what gematria is all about... i've come across a couple of calculators one for english and one for hebrew. from what i'm reading, this is a traditional hebrew kabbalah sySTEM. folks also view latin, medieval and arabic language usage as semi-tradish. pretty interesting what came up for some words i entered... but this one's gonna be on mr. i-wanna-rule-the-world.
i did his stage name on both the english and hebrew versions and here is some of what came up...
A=1 /
Sun and Moon62, action,
benedict, books, border, calcium, capital, carriage,
choices, clarinda,
coincide, cosmic, da vinci, davinci, digital,
dollar, doubt, elvin, favor, flight, flys, geburah, graphic, grudge, harbor, hearing,
host, hour, imagined,
insane, jay-z, jayz, jogger,
king of, kingu, lactate, lilit, lurk,
madonna, marks,
mason, mauve,
misled, newt,
noise, plans, plum,
poop, prom, punk,
queen, refuge, rest, revel, ribalt,
riches, riot, sangchai, scrabble, sesame, sharp, sienna, sighs, stick, tatu, terra, think,
tool, torah, ulti,
vote, went, yemen
17, a okay, achad, aeon, almost,
ask pea,
astral, august,
axis, bacon, badly, bear, bemo, bends, beth, bill, bio, boaz, bond, booba, books, brama, catch, clean, clock, coastal, cobalt, cook,
cubed, decad, dim, disc, dog, doubt, eli,
eye, fable, fit, flys, game, glans,
god, guy, heal, hi, hoc, host, ice, ikea, imac, iz, jay-z, jayz, kemo, kill,
knave, kolan, kool, kosh, lactate, laid, lamed, lance, lanz, laura, lie, lin, look, lurk, mail, mammal, marks, mason, mauve, mold,
moses, nano, newt, nose, oath, ones, ozka, pdx,
pee, pen, plans, plum, posts, psalms, punk, rank, rap, rate, raum, ray, rest, rot, run,
sabbath, sesame,
shake, site, skin, smart, snow, soup, space, stick, subject, success, sunset, tamales,
tear, teen, teth, ties, till,
tool, tor, trust, ulti, vail, values, vmi, vote, wait, went,
yod, zah,
zeusNew Aeon40,
altar, arrows,
ashes, bb, chakra, crows, cry, dig, flys, glasgow, hair, handy, have, hello, host, hour, jay-z, jayz, lurk, nail, no way, qanas, razor, rug, sake,
scam, shasta, sir,
skulls, tcw, tool, wasps, win, woozy, ye
LiberCVX45, alhambra,
amy reid, arrow, athens, aurius, badger, balance, beating, branch, buehler, carpet, carrie,
chariot, cherokee, chess, choices, choose ye, chris, claudia, claus, clock, coffin, coming, daniel, denial,
diddy, eagles, egelli, fermium, fourth, fox hire, friday,
fucked, guitar, healing,
high heaven, indigo, jay-z, jayz,
jesus, juror, kemo sabe, ketchup, learn, lilit, linen, lord, lost,
maitreya, matums, mermaid,
new aeon, north, nuts, orange,
our path, parable, parhelia,
player, poetry,
pokemon, rblt, renuka,
scion, search,
sets, shadow, shown, slug, sover, stun, super, tamince, tammus, tattwa,
the fool, thought, tongue, tounge, track, valley,
vampyre, vibrate, which day, wreck, yelps
31 may 1971, 58,
al nuke,
as above,
bastard, black gold, booze,
caligula, challenge, color, cometh, depart,
diety, dinner, eagle seal, elves,
enchant, expand, fake book, fakebook, fiery, florida, flys, gold red, hanged man, heather, host, hot cha cha, hour, israel, jay-z, jayz,
kabbalion, lip balm, locker, lurk,
masks, newt, olive, ou need, paris,
penis, plum,
poop, prom, punk, rest, riot, roland, saint,
samhain, shaun, sight, smoke, spine, tamince, tatu, taupe, tool, ulti, vote, went, whole,
witch, wow, you
i just highLIGHTed some of the interesting ones... i don't know too much about it yet, still reading. from what i've read, all these words resonate with the same number and in each section there is a different number assigned to each letter... each version having it's own reasoning.
next i'll post
the hebrew geMATRI(X)a version,
which i think will be pretty long on second thought i'm not posting all of these... there's WAY too many... so just the one's i think are relevant will have to suffice. B^)
so it's a transliteration of jay-z... (
Yod-Ayin-Zain) 87
be -foolish, foolish; (subst); of one who despises wisdom; of one who mocks when guilty; of one who is quarrelsome; of one who is licentious
-hall, gallery, saloon, floor, auditorium
-Ollila, Jorma Ollila (born 1950) , Chairman of the Finnish cellular telephone company Nokia
-to sink, sink into, sink down, pierce, settle down, drown, be; settled, be planted; (Qal) to sink, sink down; (Pual) to be sunk; (Hophal) to cause to sink

- threat, intimidation, menace, embracery; warning
-locating, spotting, pinpointing
-god, God; god, heathen deity; God (of Israel)
- Alon (name)
-Chief, duke; guide
-Oak; oak-wood
-idol, god, demigod
-God, deity
-oil can; lubricator
-Illicit, forbidden
- to cause to work; enslave; to employ
- nose, snout, snoot, neb, pecker
- nostril, nose, face; anger
-to kick; trample, tread; scorn; deviate, warp
-expression, manifestation, voice, enunciation; phrase, idiom, term, utterance, figure, tag
-priest, principal officer or chief ruler; priest-king (Melchizedek, Messiah); pagan priests; priests of Jehovah; Levitical priests; Zadokite priests; Aaronic priests; the high priest
- louse, pediculosis
-to weep, bewail, cry, shed tears; (Qal); to weep (in grief, humiliation, or joy); to weep bitterly (with cognate acc.); to weep upon (embrace and weep); to bewail; (Piel) participle; lamenting; bewailing
- king of Babylon in the days of Hezekiah
-full moon
-a descendant of Esau; a Benjamite
-a jew
-a going round, continuance; adv; still, yet, again, besides; still, yet (of continuance or persistence); still, yet, more (of addition or repetition); again; still, moreover, besides
-to attack, assault; swoop down, dart
-to kick; trample, tread; scorn; deviate, warp
-mouth; mouth (of man); mouth (as organ of speech); mouth (of animals); mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); extremity, end
-giggle, grin, titter, chuckle; grotesqueness, ludicrousness, funniness, derisiveness
-rolling, somersault; revolving; reincarnation, karma
-be depressed, oppressed; crushed, suppressed
-to defeat, rout, beat
-to express; make flow
- nonsense, vanity, futility, idleness
-vapour, breath; breath, vapour; vanity (fig.); adv; vainly
-to be nationalized
-to be forced to work
-to annihilate
-son, grandson, child, member of a group; son, male child; grandson; children (pl. - male and female); youth, young men (pl.); young (of animals); sons (as characterisation, ie sons of injustice [for un-; righteous men] or sons of God [for angels]; people (of a nation) (pl.); of lifeless things, ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); a member of a guild, order, class
-to camouflage
-to grimace, pervert; sin
-to bend, twist, distort; (Niphal) to be bent, be bowed down, be twisted, be perverted; (Piel) to twist, distort; (Hiphil) to do perversely; to commit iniquity, do wrong, pervert; (Qal) to do wrong, commit iniquity; (Hiphil) to commit iniquity
-daring, boldness, venture, guts, nerve, temerity, bravado, hardihood, hardiness; insolence, audaciousness
-to be strong; (Qal) to be strong, prevail; (Hiphil) to make firm, strengthen
-to cloud, overcloud; make scowl
- pain, trembling, terror, writhing, anguish
-to eat, devour, burn up, feed; (Qal); to eat (human subject); to eat, devour (of beasts and birds); to devour, consume (of fire); to devour, slay (of sword); to devour, consume, destroy (inanimate subjects -; ie, pestilence, drought); to devour (of oppression); (Niphal); to be eaten (by men); to be devoured, consumed (of fire); to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh); (Pual); to cause to eat, feed with; to cause to devour; (Hiphil); to feed; to cause to eat; (Piel); consume
-to shine; (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's favour); (Hiphil) to flash forth light; to praise, boast, be boastful; (Qal); to be boastful; boastful ones, boasters (participle); (Piel); to praise; to boast, make a boast; (Pual); to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be commended, be; worthy of praise; (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make one's boast; (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; (Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman
-to fill, be full; (Qal); to be full; 1a fullness, abundance (participle); 1a to be full, be accomplished, be ended; to consecrate, fill the hand; (Niphal); to be filled, be armed, be satisfied; to be accomplished, be ended; (Piel); to fill; to satisfy; to fulfil, accomplish, complete; to confirm; (Pual) to be filled; (Hithpael) to mass themselves against
okay that's it for now... i copied most of the one's i saw... those give the general jest of it... but i don't think i even got a quarter half of the way through... maybe i'll post more later