twhIch aye? the wrIte 1...

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- - -

Monday, March 29, 2010

2 BULLock james and the BOMBshell0

i didn't get to finish the post on BJB yet, but i saw in the news there was a suicide bombing in Moscow. i don't know if it links yet, but i am going to check it out. i thought it may point to a suicide bombing but i was thinking it might be in Ireland. this is so sad.

and i don't know why there is an 0 at the end of the title of the first BJB post, but i'm going to leave it there.
↑date --

after doing just a really quick skim, there do appear to be several links... if these are the events all this was pointing to, well there's pretty much no way i woulda' deciphered it... i'm not that astute.

well first off the Ceres link... i never got a chance to post the part2 of the original post which had a focus on James' birthday, April 19... the last day of Cerealia, the feast to celebrate the goddess Ceres.

mr. Dmitiry Medvedev, the president of Russia... the name dmitiry is from demetrius - demeter the greek counterpart for Ceres. (medvedev by the way means bear).

lubyanka station is below the lubyanka building (home to the headquarters for the Federal Security Service /FSB) and is known as Red Square. it used to be known by the name Pozhar meaning 'burnt out place'. this could relate to BOMB /ashes... (btw lubyanka means 'watermelon' or 'oval/roundness' or maybe even have a root in a word meaning 'skull')

bullock in Demolition Man... bombs / demolition

there's a lot of 2's in the Moscow bombing...

2 females , 2 minutes filled with smoke, 2nd bomb 2kg. of TNT, 2 bombs, deadliest since another incident on 02/04 (2+2)

the main thing that MAYBE (huge maybe now) would've stuck out is the rebel group being from the North Caucasus Mountains... caucasian... white supremacy... neo nazi... but i HIGHLY doubt it.

and Moscow and Ceres Fife in Scotland lay on roughly the same latitudinal coordinates, around 55° N (i think it's latitudinal... i always get them mixed up)

i'm not sure if this the BOMB, but i see in the news this evening that there were 2 more explosions in Dagestan... one at another FSB office and one at an Interior Ministry office. i wonder if this could lead into another war with US involvement...

i will look over my notes more thoroughly to see if there's more.

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