(((mind control))) · emotions · pacifism · dream worlds · dreaming · search for happiness · control
since this just for FUNyuns anyways, here's what I SAW in this phineas and ferb episode i happened to see the other day that relates to all of this...

phineas and ferb - interview with a platypus
(*some captions on hovering over pictures ↓)
phineas and ferb decide to make a machine to read Perry's thoughts...
(-HAARP · emf waves · chemtrails · cell phone towers · GWEN towers · emotiv)

perry disappears when their backs are turned... they explain all to the next door neighbor girl and she says that would be great, if perry was here so you could use it on him... he's an undercover agent and has left to his underground lair to go to work protecting the citizens of danville...
(-purposefully working both the conscious mind and the subconscious... using the conscious to protect the subconscious?)

by word of mouth, a little bird tells all the other animals of the city what phineas and ferb have made... 'a little birdie told me'... and all the animals start arriving... a stampeding herd...
(-the willing masses running to the :systems of control: because of what they promise to be able to do for them)

[side note -- scene of cat's bolting from their cat ladies house...
-scientist's can now kill the disease that cat's carry a that cause mental illness in humans]
ferb turns into a psychiatrist for the animals hearing their grievances, convincing them that some of their complaints are unfounded and consoling others... he decides to become a mediator between the animals and their masters/owners, letting them know what their pets want...

meanwhile candace is talking on the phone looking at a picture of a princess and prince on the wall... she's pasted photos of jeremy and her over the p and p's faces...
(-the fairy princess · disney princesses programming · walt disney · mind control of children (on the disney network?!) · triggers for programming · MKULTRA)

jeremy asks her to come over and play destruction mayhem 3, but before he can finish the conversation she is at the door, she says she knows how to play the game and she tries but can't do it... she appears oblivious to the fact that she doesn't know what she is doing...
-the ignorance of the people who think they know what everything is all about but have no clue (the profane?) · or maybe he's invited her over for some reprogramming/destruction/mayhem · the destruction and mayhem of the mind, mental state · WWlll fought over the minds of the people?
jeremy's little sister's dog urinates on candace's shoe...
(-shoes in hoodoo, and i hear in ancient jewish culture (and i think italian stregheria also?), signify possession... in hoodoo often times possession is signified through the feet (the base chakras/animal desire) and jewish culture giving someone your shoe was a contract · urine is also a significant part of binding spells in hoodoo)
kanye's video "we we're once a fairytale"

we see perry the platypus, now agent p, getting his orders to go and find dr. heinz doofenshmirtz but the director cannot read the orders since the agency is now going green and he has to reuse the same piece of paper...
(-the paper looks like the blacked out FOIA papers of all the secret government projects released to the public · going green?)

agent p arrives in the forest to spy on dr. doofenshmirtz, he heeds the dr.'s request to come closer and gets trapped in half of a shark's cage... the dr. unveils his new invention the BO-AT (((Buoyancy Aquatic Operated Transporter))) which he describes as, "it's like a car, but it can drive on water, everyone will want one'... he plans to flood the city so everyone will have to have a BO-AT... he says it'll be like Venice, Italy or like to a lesser extent, Venice Beach, California...
(-buoyancy · floating on the top of water=emotions the subconscious · operated by the water/subconscious · transporter=time machine through the different facets of the personality, alters, splits... plans to (((mind control everyone))) just like Venice Beach/Hollywood's playground :=: Venice Italy ties to the founding of the illuminati?)
back at jeremy's house, after the dog urinates on candace's shoe, the dog grabs it and runs away and she goes crazy running and chasing the dog around the house trying to get it back from the dog making a huge mess. they end up in the bathroom and the dog drops it in the toilet... she get the plunger and tries to retrieve it but it all just spits back up in her face and she ends up giving up... the whole while jeremy is playing his Destruction Mayhem 3 and calmly asks her if she's okay... jeremy then asks her if she is ready for the 3rd level and you hear the door slam as she runs out of the house without her shoe...
(-she's trying to get her mind back, take back the contract and goes crazy in the process and resigns herself to her fate/gives in · jeremy her handler?
she ends up back at home and sees the animal mind reading machine and starts bad mouthing all the animals (hating the confusion and desire of her animal selves)... because of the machine, they can understand her and become angry and start to chase her down the streets... different animals attacking her...
(-the animals represent the lower mind and now she is being chased/tormented by her lower mind or alters, her hair is all crazy and she is screaming flailing her arms
working the chakras...
first a dog is nipping at her heels >
then a squirrel hit's her in the face >
then a bird picks at her hair >
then a turtle threatens her with a stick>
finally a coiled snake sits atop her head trying to bite her...)

while she is running around screaming being attacked, a 70's style HIPPIE BAND is singing/serenading her with a song titled 'it's a perfect day' with a RAINBOW behind them with little yellow flowers (sun?) on it...
(-the reports are that mind controlled people are told to go over the rainbow while they are suffering from the abusive trauma, this is how they create the splits/alters/compartments in the mind)
t's a perfect day, it's in the mid 70's
Humidity at sixty percent
It's a perfect day, not a cloud in the sky and I,
Can say without fear of dissent
It's a picture postcard perfect kind of
Summer afternoon.
It's a perfect day,
It's a perfect day.
It's a perfect day,
The birds are singing
The bees are pollinating the flowers
It's a perfect day,
The fauna is fawning
And frolicking away all the hours.
It's a picture postcard perfect kind of
Summer afternoon.
It's a perfect day,
It's a perfect day.

she runs on top of a bridge trying to evade them, they go down into the ditch and run under the bridge...
(-she's in the conscious mind they are in the subconscious... a bridge a psychology term?)
she hides behind a wall thinking she's lost them, but they come running from behind her and the chase is on again. she calls her mom who never believes anything she says to tell her 'the animals hate me!' but the mom says 'oh that's just ridiculous, perry likes you'...
(-the walls are the walls between the different alters, splits of personalities... when a person affected by this type of trauma tells people, they are brushed off, no one believes them... maybe perry symbolizes her protective alter/personality that keeps everything going?)

she runs to the forest just as dr. doofenshmirtz is releasing the water from the dam and she runs across the water's path and the animals are swept away with the water. candace turns around and says 'oh. nevermind' ...
(-water the subconscious, emotions, the dream world, reactions to current stimuli, quick change in mood, wash=water=brain)
as the dr. is riding in his BO-AT and he says 'i'm driving on water, i'm bo-ating... woohoo... look at me, i'm living the dream'... as the water sweeps away the animals they now appear in the BO-AT... like a noah's ark... but now they look dumbstruck zombified...
now all the animal/subconscious alters are safely back inside, with the help of more mind control techniques (((the BO-AT with the dr. at the helm)))
while all this was going on, phineas and ferb had been going door to door telling all the owners and masters what the animals wanted and how to keep them happy so they won't rebel and run away and they'll go back inside... the animals had 78 food requests (78=prayer, animals lowing/calling, to consume or feed on, food :and more: in hebrew gematria) and 42 belly rub requests (42= a god or God, terror, timid or shy, an alarm, to rest, to cease, concealment, to hide :and more: in HG)
back in the water, agent p swims ahead of the BO-AT to open the MOAT (Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench) to save the city's residents and the flood of water goes around the city taking the dr., the BO-AT/Ark with all the now mute mannequin looking animals with it... when the dr. sees the sign at the entrance of the Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench he says 'hey that says MOAT, i never noticed that before'...
(-the tide of emotions with the animals selves safely back inside, they go around and miss the sleeping city=mind/the unawares... the dr.'s statement an acknowledgment to the subliminals and what we don't see that is right in front of our faces...)

now everybody is back at the house and candace is trying to prove to her mom everything that she said was true by showing her the thought reading machine... the mom says 'oh that's adorable' and they put perry up to talk into the microphone... candace thinks now she is going to be vindicated when the machine translates perry's thoughts... she gives a crazy out of her head laugh wringing her hands and wide eyed... but the machine doesn't work of course, no explanation as to why (perry double agent status... working against the people he's trying to protect? keep them alseep?)... the mom then says 'ohhh iyou know inside he's saying you guys are the best'... candace then points her index/jupiter finger at perry (is he the master/mind) and is standing there dumbfounded... she sadly walks away when jeremy walks up... he has brought back her shoe which he says he has washed (cleaned=brainwash=water) and graciously says 'allow me' and he places it back on her foot on one knee, cinderella style.

candace passes out (((back into deep trance))) and jeremy asks if she is ok and she replies 'enchanted'.

phineas and ferb - interview with a platypus at YT
maybe this was a symbol of someone having a psychotic break and remembering what happened to them and getting reprogrammed or something? oh wait, but here i am acting like this is for SIRIUS...
oh and the shark and the green thing?... i have no clue what those mean... i just saw them on the s y nc ho le and thought i'd tag em for future reference, jic...
[↑date -- i also didn't really know what a jupiter finger was, so i thought i'd better look it up and google listed a post from the s y nc ho le on it and the number connected to it is 42]
maybe it's a good thing that i missed the boats that i did... i think i'll try and miss more... if i see a boat coming, i think i'll move out of the way...
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