twhIch aye? the wrIte 1...

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-military charades -government parades -media VIRTUEal REALity -behind the scenes RITes of the ODds

stay safe little ones · we're in for a bumpy ride

enjoy CREATion · live full · stay happy inSPITE of · live in YOUr connection to the CREATor · stay human ♥

- - -

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why come...

when i see predictions made about the 2012 boogey man scenario, no one mentions African countries in how it's all gonna go down? practically every other place is covered. "i see spaceships converging over major us cities... i see a hole forming in the sun... i see the united kingdom engulfed in flames... i see south america with great rivers of fire and great quaking... i see jupiter colliding with mars... europe will be covered in storms and in danger of an impending ice age... X-set-e-rah X-set-e-rah X-set-e-rah

--is Africa not romantic enough for the fortune tellers of doom to include in the fairy tale story?

note: the people who believe they have all the power and money have romanticized a lot of indigenous cultures that appear to be keeping the OLD secrets. most all but ONE. (or maybe they have fallen for the romanticization that's been offered to them? but then this would imply manipulation... surely can't be? if manipulated then by whom? and pray tell, what would they have to gain by orchestrating this? hmmm... something to think about there) so to keep the 'bourgeois power and money' engaged in this sideshow, they gotta appeal to the crowd. they gotta pull those strings, work those selling pressure points. (maybe it's a trigger in some grand predictive programming scheme???) and then if the predicted doom doesn't arrive on schedule? what then? i don't know, but i bet some think tanks somewhere have some pretty good scenarios mapped out to institute and mop up the (((brain overloads))) for their own benefits.

so what i'm saying is... maybe these folks ain't telling the full truth? after the world trade center event a lot of ugliness came out in people. there's people who can smell fear a mile a way and they live to gobble it up and convert it into power energy. i don't think it's a coincedence this doomy-gloomy-ness spawned here in america and spread itself out onto the globe.

¿answer?=follow the $$$+power
[↑date] march 13, 2010

my sister informs me that in the movie 2012 (which i did not see) only the continent of Africa survives, it gets raised/pushed up... hahahahahha gonna comment on this later

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