twhIch aye? the wrIte 1...

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- - -

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


:running list of roBOT sightings:

i don't watch hardly any TUBE eXcept with my grandkids... and i don't even think about roBOTS but they've been POPping up eVERYwhere heRE lAteLy... (DARPy's fault!) let's see if it continues...

1. Outer Limits - robot nanny suspected gonna go crazy, but the wife at the ends up being the crazy scheming robot

2. can't remember right now I will add later...

3. Krypto Dog cartoon - robot dog turn evil, but the little sidekick boy realizes the robot was just sad...

4. Spongebob - spongey thinks Mr. Crabs is a robot after seeing a scary movie he shouldn't have been watching :tsk tsk: i guess if a sponge can feel why not a roBOT?

5. Rihanna's roBO porn in Germany

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