random stuff that seems wack'd or out of place. :from the tube, moovies, online, news, etc.:

6teen · Cartoon --
-episode where one of the characters gets 'brainwashed' by her job (a Gap-like store) and when her personality alters, she is in a luxury all-white bathroom with a recorded voice talking to her and she is looking in a mirror. After she switches over, she has a butterfly clip in her hair. there is also an xbox in here and a triangle pendant necklace. i'm also noticing they are showing cartoon characters using the bathroom now. didn't use to do that. to accustom the youngsters to a lessened sense of privacy, i suspect.
Barbie I can be a babysitter toy set commercial
-strange. first of all since when is potty training the main duty of a babysitter? as a matter a fact, since when is it a duty at all??? second, when they show the Kelly doll getting her pants pulled down. wouldn't be bad, but the way it's shot. looks kinda crazy. voice over says "Barbie knows when she needs to go" or something like that... and then it cuts to a shot in the play toilet where there is a yellow disc with a "brown circle" in the center and Barbie flushes and the yellow disc flips over.
Barbie Glamor Beach House
-two things. numba1... another toilet's involved. this wouldn't be bad, but there's just something weird about it. facts have proven that corporation don't care about the kids... they only care about them as future 'buyers of products'. and Barbie houses didn't used to have toilets when i was coming up.
Barbie makers seem to have become a little fascinated with toilet subjects. reminds me of what i've heard folks say about W. Disney... that he was fascinated with anything to do with the 'behind' and that people used to have to pull him back a bit in this area when it came to his early cartoons.
numba2... when it shows the little girl playing with the Barbie and you can only see her hand, her finger placement is a little strange. the finger looks a breast in a quick flash. i remember in commercials the models used to hold the Barbies by their legs... i remember because i used to try to hold mine like that when i was playing and it was always difficult.
can't find video will add when i do
Alvin in the Chipmunks Soundtrack commercial
-little girl chipmunks sexy dancing to "All the Single Ladies".
Online News Article
-to explain how they were able to track a missing person's whereabouts, the euphemism 'crime fighting cameras' is used as opposed to what they really are 'closed circuit surveillance cameras'.
Stoked · Cartoon --
-main surfing no shirt wearing homeboy is drawn so you can see his hip bones. sexual type references throughout the show. says TV-13 or whatever it's called, but it's not for a 13 year old and who it is appropriate for, ain't gonna be sitting around watching cartoons at 6pm...
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