i didn't get to finish the post on BJB yet, but i saw in the news there was a suicide bombing in Moscow. i don't know if it links yet, but i am going to check it out. i thought it may point to a suicide bombing but i was thinking it might be in Ireland. this is so sad.
and i don't know why there is an 0 at the end of the title of the first BJB post, but i'm going to leave it there.
↑date --
after doing just a really quick skim, there do appear to be several links... if these are the events all this was pointing to, well there's pretty much no way i woulda' deciphered it... i'm not that astute.
well first off the Ceres link... i never got a chance to post the part2 of the original post which had a focus on James' birthday, April 19... the last day of Cerealia, the feast to celebrate the goddess Ceres.
mr. Dmitiry Medvedev, the president of Russia... the name dmitiry is from demetrius - demeter the greek counterpart for Ceres. (medvedev by the way means bear).
lubyanka station is below the lubyanka building (home to the headquarters for the Federal Security Service /FSB) and is known as Red Square. it used to be known by the name Pozhar meaning 'burnt out place'. this could relate to BOMB /ashes... (btw lubyanka means 'watermelon' or 'oval/roundness' or maybe even have a root in a word meaning 'skull')
bullock in Demolition Man... bombs / demolition
there's a lot of 2's in the Moscow bombing...
2 females , 2 minutes filled with smoke, 2nd bomb 2kg. of TNT, 2 bombs, deadliest since another incident on 02/04 (2+2)
the main thing that MAYBE (huge maybe now) would've stuck out is the rebel group being from the North Caucasus Mountains... caucasian... white supremacy... neo nazi... but i HIGHLY doubt it.
and Moscow and Ceres Fife in Scotland lay on roughly the same latitudinal coordinates, around 55° N (i think it's latitudinal... i always get them mixed up)
i'm not sure if this the BOMB, but i see in the news this evening that there were 2 more explosions in Dagestan... one at another FSB office and one at an Interior Ministry office. i wonder if this could lead into another war with US involvement...
i will look over my notes more thoroughly to see if there's more.
Xploring the mystIcal signAGE along the way ↑
-military charades -government parades -media
stay safe little ones · we're in for a bumpy ride
enjoy CREATion · live full · stay happy in
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
'baby mtv' does it up
this is a quickie... just so i can remember it...
Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award and Earth Hour on same day...
Lady Gaga is up for an award and Rihanna is performing...
the black and white checkerboard symbolism in the promos...
also the zeppelin? fire, crash, 'oh the humanity!'
27 /3 = 9
3 3 3 · WE3 Spinner = WW3?
plastic fridge magnet following me around yesterday... green m (nickelodeon slime?)... i even ended up sleeping on it somehow and i woke up in the middle of the night and it was stuck to my left leg... when i took it off it was imprinted on my skin an upwards leaning E?...
Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award and Earth Hour on same day...
Lady Gaga is up for an award and Rihanna is performing...
the black and white checkerboard symbolism in the promos...
also the zeppelin? fire, crash, 'oh the humanity!'
27 /3 = 9
3 3 3 · WE3 Spinner = WW3?
plastic fridge magnet following me around yesterday... green m (nickelodeon slime?)... i even ended up sleeping on it somehow and i woke up in the middle of the night and it was stuck to my left leg... when i took it off it was imprinted on my skin an upwards leaning E?...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
BULLock james and the BOMBshell0
(this has been sitting in my cue for awhile... it's got spelling errors and i lost some info when my browser froze, so i'm just gonna post it and add the pics and additional info later...)
i don't really check out gosSIP(SIP) but this one caught my eye for some reason... the saga of sandra bullock, jesse james and miss bombshell. i've always thought ms. bullock seemed cool, but i've come across some interesting information that seems familiar. jesse james i always thought looked aryan nation, but i discounted it when i saw he lived in long beach and chalked it up to growin' up around esés and the folks, and maybe that's why he looked gang-ish. ms. michelle bombshell mcgee looks messed up. these are just my opinions of course since i don't know none of these folks.
well the neo nazi connection is where i'm starting from...
starting with ms. bullock... according to wikipedia, she was born in arlington, va. where some of the alledged CIA hippie kids came from... near important military installations, so this goes with (((my previous shake up))). her dad was a voice coach who married a german opera singer and ms. bullock grew up in Nuremberg which was an important place for Nazi Germany as it was a former capital of the Holy Roman Empire and the physical center of Germany. she also speaks fluent german from growing up in the area. her maternal grandfather was also a german rocket scientist.
now for mr. james... he owns a company called Mighty Whitey, which i don't know if the title is intended to be white supremacist neo nazi, but a white supremacist neo nazi would certainly appreciate it. there is also supposed to be pictures of him somewhere that show him wearing a nazi uniform cap giving the nazi salute.
the media is reporting that miss bombshell may be a neo nazi. she's got a WP tattoo that is supposed to stand for white power and her ex-husband says she's got a swastika tattoo on her stomach... and of course the photos of her in her nazi gear.
so this led me to keanu reeves... when the story of keanu reeves giving a tiny statement on what's happening i thought hmmm... neo nazi... NEO nazi...
keanu - neo nazi - NEO
and keanu's movie POINT BREAK has neo nazi surfers in it. anthony kedis played the lead neo nazi and appears to have some ties to that whole laurel canyon CIA hippie scene via his dad. there's a lot of stuff in this film, but one thing that stuck out for me was that it was filmed at LATIGO Beach, in Malibu...
via movie mistakes, there's a brief film scene in the movie APOCALYPSE NOW where a soldier comes in to tell the a commander that one of the soldiers is the famous SURFER Lance Johnson and he has LATIGO on the back of his hat in one scene and then it disappears in another. i wish i could find a photo but i couldn't... maybe i will try to get one myself later...
so a latigo is a leather strap, a cinch on a saddle on a HORSE and brought to mind with all the other clues 4 horsemen and the APOCALYPSE.
there is a lot in this movie too, but of course mr. laurence FISHburne stuck out like a sore thumb being that he is in THE MATRIX with mr. reeves as morpheus the master of dreams.
so now i'm a go back to the nazi thing... by scrambling the letters, you can get the word zain out of n a z i...
ZAIN is the syriac version of the 7th letter of the hebrew alphabet - ZAYIN...
nazi - zain - zayin
zayin means weapon · sword
(in modern hebrew slang it also means penis - james infidelity?)
lezayen means aim
according to innerlight.org, the zayin reflects the or yashar (a part of the previous letter, the vav) as or chozer ("RETURNING LIGHT") <--- Jesus? lucifer? planet x? twin sun? giant solar flare? anything i missed??? when written in foreign or loanwords it is represented by ʒ · z · 3
the zayin looks like a trident, which brings it to Neptune's TRIDENT...
[zayin / trident]
Neptune is the god of water... water - emotions - subconscious - dreams... ties in with Morpheus...
[neptune / watery dream / morpheus ship / nebuchadneezer dreams]
the water... the (((BO-AT))) post... the surfing aspect...
the hebrew month connected with the zayin is SIVAN... it's 30 days in between May and June and is the 3rd month of the canonical calendar... number 3 is said to represent God's Mercy in the hebrew mysteries
sivan is supposed to be the month that God descended to Mt. Sinai to give the torah to Moses.
at the top of the wikipedia page, it directs users who land on sivan, that they may be looking for shiva...
[sivan wikipedia]
blue (water-emotions-subconscious-dreams) · ashes (of destruction - BOMBshell) · tiger (year of the tiger?) · TRIDENT · 3rd eye · DESTROYER OF WORLDS · the Auspicious One
mr. reeves who played KLAATU (SHIVA-esque) in the day the earth stood still...
[klaatu dess poster]
and he will being portraying LORD VISHNU in an upcoming movie Hanuman... vishnu is one of the sacred Trimurti - triad of the hindus... Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma (ms. BULLock)
Brahma : the Creator · Vishnu : the maintainer or preserver · Shiva : the destroyer transformer
besides being watery, Neptune also represents the pineal gland, the 3rd eye, 3 fold of being... birth, life, death...
the shadow / the hidden side of life / transformation
brahma / vishnu / shiva
there's more but i may do a second post on their birthdays and those connections or i may post them here...
↑date -- suicide bombing in Moscow subway... don't know if it's connected yet... am going to check it out...
i don't really check out gosSIP(SIP) but this one caught my eye for some reason... the saga of sandra bullock, jesse james and miss bombshell. i've always thought ms. bullock seemed cool, but i've come across some interesting information that seems familiar. jesse james i always thought looked aryan nation, but i discounted it when i saw he lived in long beach and chalked it up to growin' up around esés and the folks, and maybe that's why he looked gang-ish. ms. michelle bombshell mcgee looks messed up. these are just my opinions of course since i don't know none of these folks.
well the neo nazi connection is where i'm starting from...
starting with ms. bullock... according to wikipedia, she was born in arlington, va. where some of the alledged CIA hippie kids came from... near important military installations, so this goes with (((my previous shake up))). her dad was a voice coach who married a german opera singer and ms. bullock grew up in Nuremberg which was an important place for Nazi Germany as it was a former capital of the Holy Roman Empire and the physical center of Germany. she also speaks fluent german from growing up in the area. her maternal grandfather was also a german rocket scientist.
now for mr. james... he owns a company called Mighty Whitey, which i don't know if the title is intended to be white supremacist neo nazi, but a white supremacist neo nazi would certainly appreciate it. there is also supposed to be pictures of him somewhere that show him wearing a nazi uniform cap giving the nazi salute.
the media is reporting that miss bombshell may be a neo nazi. she's got a WP tattoo that is supposed to stand for white power and her ex-husband says she's got a swastika tattoo on her stomach... and of course the photos of her in her nazi gear.
so this led me to keanu reeves... when the story of keanu reeves giving a tiny statement on what's happening i thought hmmm... neo nazi... NEO nazi...
keanu - neo nazi - NEO
and keanu's movie POINT BREAK has neo nazi surfers in it. anthony kedis played the lead neo nazi and appears to have some ties to that whole laurel canyon CIA hippie scene via his dad. there's a lot of stuff in this film, but one thing that stuck out for me was that it was filmed at LATIGO Beach, in Malibu...
via movie mistakes, there's a brief film scene in the movie APOCALYPSE NOW where a soldier comes in to tell the a commander that one of the soldiers is the famous SURFER Lance Johnson and he has LATIGO on the back of his hat in one scene and then it disappears in another. i wish i could find a photo but i couldn't... maybe i will try to get one myself later...
so a latigo is a leather strap, a cinch on a saddle on a HORSE and brought to mind with all the other clues 4 horsemen and the APOCALYPSE.
there is a lot in this movie too, but of course mr. laurence FISHburne stuck out like a sore thumb being that he is in THE MATRIX with mr. reeves as morpheus the master of dreams.
so now i'm a go back to the nazi thing... by scrambling the letters, you can get the word zain out of n a z i...
ZAIN is the syriac version of the 7th letter of the hebrew alphabet - ZAYIN...
nazi - zain - zayin
zayin means weapon · sword
(in modern hebrew slang it also means penis - james infidelity?)
lezayen means aim
according to innerlight.org, the zayin reflects the or yashar (a part of the previous letter, the vav) as or chozer ("RETURNING LIGHT") <--- Jesus? lucifer? planet x? twin sun? giant solar flare? anything i missed??? when written in foreign or loanwords it is represented by ʒ · z · 3
the zayin looks like a trident, which brings it to Neptune's TRIDENT...
[zayin / trident]
Neptune is the god of water... water - emotions - subconscious - dreams... ties in with Morpheus...
[neptune / watery dream / morpheus ship / nebuchadneezer dreams]
the water... the (((BO-AT))) post... the surfing aspect...
the hebrew month connected with the zayin is SIVAN... it's 30 days in between May and June and is the 3rd month of the canonical calendar... number 3 is said to represent God's Mercy in the hebrew mysteries
sivan is supposed to be the month that God descended to Mt. Sinai to give the torah to Moses.
at the top of the wikipedia page, it directs users who land on sivan, that they may be looking for shiva...
[sivan wikipedia]
blue (water-emotions-subconscious-dreams) · ashes (of destruction - BOMBshell) · tiger (year of the tiger?) · TRIDENT · 3rd eye · DESTROYER OF WORLDS · the Auspicious One
mr. reeves who played KLAATU (SHIVA-esque) in the day the earth stood still...
[klaatu dess poster]
and he will being portraying LORD VISHNU in an upcoming movie Hanuman... vishnu is one of the sacred Trimurti - triad of the hindus... Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma (ms. BULLock)
Brahma : the Creator · Vishnu : the maintainer or preserver · Shiva : the destroyer transformer
besides being watery, Neptune also represents the pineal gland, the 3rd eye, 3 fold of being... birth, life, death...
the shadow / the hidden side of life / transformation
brahma / vishnu / shiva
there's more but i may do a second post on their birthdays and those connections or i may post them here...
↑date -- suicide bombing in Moscow subway... don't know if it's connected yet... am going to check it out...
Monday, March 22, 2010
always missing the BO-AT
i seem to be missing the BO-AT here lately... or getting on the wrong ones. that whole hippie thing really messed me up for a couple a days. it (((shook))) me. i've seen/read about a lot of stuff... nothing should surprise me, but this one did. got me to wondering what the heck is this stuff all about. folks say...
(((mind control))) · emotions · pacifism · dream worlds · dreaming · search for happiness · control
since this just for FUNyuns anyways, here's what I SAW in this phineas and ferb episode i happened to see the other day that relates to all of this...

phineas and ferb - interview with a platypus
(*some captions on hovering over pictures ↓)
phineas and ferb decide to make a machine to read Perry's thoughts...
(-HAARP · emf waves · chemtrails · cell phone towers · GWEN towers · emotiv)

perry disappears when their backs are turned... they explain all to the next door neighbor girl and she says that would be great, if perry was here so you could use it on him... he's an undercover agent and has left to his underground lair to go to work protecting the citizens of danville...
(-purposefully working both the conscious mind and the subconscious... using the conscious to protect the subconscious?)

by word of mouth, a little bird tells all the other animals of the city what phineas and ferb have made... 'a little birdie told me'... and all the animals start arriving... a stampeding herd...
(-the willing masses running to the :systems of control: because of what they promise to be able to do for them)

[side note -- scene of cat's bolting from their cat ladies house...
-scientist's can now kill the disease that cat's carry a that cause mental illness in humans]
ferb turns into a psychiatrist for the animals hearing their grievances, convincing them that some of their complaints are unfounded and consoling others... he decides to become a mediator between the animals and their masters/owners, letting them know what their pets want...

meanwhile candace is talking on the phone looking at a picture of a princess and prince on the wall... she's pasted photos of jeremy and her over the p and p's faces...
(-the fairy princess · disney princesses programming · walt disney · mind control of children (on the disney network?!) · triggers for programming · MKULTRA)

jeremy asks her to come over and play destruction mayhem 3, but before he can finish the conversation she is at the door, she says she knows how to play the game and she tries but can't do it... she appears oblivious to the fact that she doesn't know what she is doing...
-the ignorance of the people who think they know what everything is all about but have no clue (the profane?) · or maybe he's invited her over for some reprogramming/destruction/mayhem · the destruction and mayhem of the mind, mental state · WWlll fought over the minds of the people?
jeremy's little sister's dog urinates on candace's shoe...
(-shoes in hoodoo, and i hear in ancient jewish culture (and i think italian stregheria also?), signify possession... in hoodoo often times possession is signified through the feet (the base chakras/animal desire) and jewish culture giving someone your shoe was a contract · urine is also a significant part of binding spells in hoodoo)
kanye's video "we we're once a fairytale"

we see perry the platypus, now agent p, getting his orders to go and find dr. heinz doofenshmirtz but the director cannot read the orders since the agency is now going green and he has to reuse the same piece of paper...
(-the paper looks like the blacked out FOIA papers of all the secret government projects released to the public · going green?)

agent p arrives in the forest to spy on dr. doofenshmirtz, he heeds the dr.'s request to come closer and gets trapped in half of a shark's cage... the dr. unveils his new invention the BO-AT (((Buoyancy Aquatic Operated Transporter))) which he describes as, "it's like a car, but it can drive on water, everyone will want one'... he plans to flood the city so everyone will have to have a BO-AT... he says it'll be like Venice, Italy or like to a lesser extent, Venice Beach, California...
(-buoyancy · floating on the top of water=emotions the subconscious · operated by the water/subconscious · transporter=time machine through the different facets of the personality, alters, splits... plans to (((mind control everyone))) just like Venice Beach/Hollywood's playground :=: Venice Italy ties to the founding of the illuminati?)
back at jeremy's house, after the dog urinates on candace's shoe, the dog grabs it and runs away and she goes crazy running and chasing the dog around the house trying to get it back from the dog making a huge mess. they end up in the bathroom and the dog drops it in the toilet... she get the plunger and tries to retrieve it but it all just spits back up in her face and she ends up giving up... the whole while jeremy is playing his Destruction Mayhem 3 and calmly asks her if she's okay... jeremy then asks her if she is ready for the 3rd level and you hear the door slam as she runs out of the house without her shoe...
(-she's trying to get her mind back, take back the contract and goes crazy in the process and resigns herself to her fate/gives in · jeremy her handler?
she ends up back at home and sees the animal mind reading machine and starts bad mouthing all the animals (hating the confusion and desire of her animal selves)... because of the machine, they can understand her and become angry and start to chase her down the streets... different animals attacking her...
(-the animals represent the lower mind and now she is being chased/tormented by her lower mind or alters, her hair is all crazy and she is screaming flailing her arms
working the chakras...
first a dog is nipping at her heels >
then a squirrel hit's her in the face >
then a bird picks at her hair >
then a turtle threatens her with a stick>
finally a coiled snake sits atop her head trying to bite her...)

while she is running around screaming being attacked, a 70's style HIPPIE BAND is singing/serenading her with a song titled 'it's a perfect day' with a RAINBOW behind them with little yellow flowers (sun?) on it...
(-the reports are that mind controlled people are told to go over the rainbow while they are suffering from the abusive trauma, this is how they create the splits/alters/compartments in the mind)
t's a perfect day, it's in the mid 70's
Humidity at sixty percent
It's a perfect day, not a cloud in the sky and I,
Can say without fear of dissent
It's a picture postcard perfect kind of
Summer afternoon.
It's a perfect day,
It's a perfect day.
It's a perfect day,
The birds are singing
The bees are pollinating the flowers
It's a perfect day,
The fauna is fawning
And frolicking away all the hours.
It's a picture postcard perfect kind of
Summer afternoon.
It's a perfect day,
It's a perfect day.

she runs on top of a bridge trying to evade them, they go down into the ditch and run under the bridge...
(-she's in the conscious mind they are in the subconscious... a bridge a psychology term?)
she hides behind a wall thinking she's lost them, but they come running from behind her and the chase is on again. she calls her mom who never believes anything she says to tell her 'the animals hate me!' but the mom says 'oh that's just ridiculous, perry likes you'...
(-the walls are the walls between the different alters, splits of personalities... when a person affected by this type of trauma tells people, they are brushed off, no one believes them... maybe perry symbolizes her protective alter/personality that keeps everything going?)

she runs to the forest just as dr. doofenshmirtz is releasing the water from the dam and she runs across the water's path and the animals are swept away with the water. candace turns around and says 'oh. nevermind' ...
(-water the subconscious, emotions, the dream world, reactions to current stimuli, quick change in mood, wash=water=brain)
as the dr. is riding in his BO-AT and he says 'i'm driving on water, i'm bo-ating... woohoo... look at me, i'm living the dream'... as the water sweeps away the animals they now appear in the BO-AT... like a noah's ark... but now they look dumbstruck zombified...
now all the animal/subconscious alters are safely back inside, with the help of more mind control techniques (((the BO-AT with the dr. at the helm)))
while all this was going on, phineas and ferb had been going door to door telling all the owners and masters what the animals wanted and how to keep them happy so they won't rebel and run away and they'll go back inside... the animals had 78 food requests (78=prayer, animals lowing/calling, to consume or feed on, food :and more: in hebrew gematria) and 42 belly rub requests (42= a god or God, terror, timid or shy, an alarm, to rest, to cease, concealment, to hide :and more: in HG)
back in the water, agent p swims ahead of the BO-AT to open the MOAT (Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench) to save the city's residents and the flood of water goes around the city taking the dr., the BO-AT/Ark with all the now mute mannequin looking animals with it... when the dr. sees the sign at the entrance of the Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench he says 'hey that says MOAT, i never noticed that before'...
(-the tide of emotions with the animals selves safely back inside, they go around and miss the sleeping city=mind/the unawares... the dr.'s statement an acknowledgment to the subliminals and what we don't see that is right in front of our faces...)

now everybody is back at the house and candace is trying to prove to her mom everything that she said was true by showing her the thought reading machine... the mom says 'oh that's adorable' and they put perry up to talk into the microphone... candace thinks now she is going to be vindicated when the machine translates perry's thoughts... she gives a crazy out of her head laugh wringing her hands and wide eyed... but the machine doesn't work of course, no explanation as to why (perry double agent status... working against the people he's trying to protect? keep them alseep?)... the mom then says 'ohhh iyou know inside he's saying you guys are the best'... candace then points her index/jupiter finger at perry (is he the master/mind) and is standing there dumbfounded... she sadly walks away when jeremy walks up... he has brought back her shoe which he says he has washed (cleaned=brainwash=water) and graciously says 'allow me' and he places it back on her foot on one knee, cinderella style.

candace passes out (((back into deep trance))) and jeremy asks if she is ok and she replies 'enchanted'.

phineas and ferb - interview with a platypus at YT
maybe this was a symbol of someone having a psychotic break and remembering what happened to them and getting reprogrammed or something? oh wait, but here i am acting like this is for SIRIUS...
oh and the shark and the green thing?... i have no clue what those mean... i just saw them on the s y nc ho le and thought i'd tag em for future reference, jic...
[↑date -- i also didn't really know what a jupiter finger was, so i thought i'd better look it up and google listed a post from the s y nc ho le on it and the number connected to it is 42]
maybe it's a good thing that i missed the boats that i did... i think i'll try and miss more... if i see a boat coming, i think i'll move out of the way...
(((mind control))) · emotions · pacifism · dream worlds · dreaming · search for happiness · control
since this just for FUNyuns anyways, here's what I SAW in this phineas and ferb episode i happened to see the other day that relates to all of this...

phineas and ferb - interview with a platypus
(*some captions on hovering over pictures ↓)
phineas and ferb decide to make a machine to read Perry's thoughts...
(-HAARP · emf waves · chemtrails · cell phone towers · GWEN towers · emotiv)

perry disappears when their backs are turned... they explain all to the next door neighbor girl and she says that would be great, if perry was here so you could use it on him... he's an undercover agent and has left to his underground lair to go to work protecting the citizens of danville...
(-purposefully working both the conscious mind and the subconscious... using the conscious to protect the subconscious?)

by word of mouth, a little bird tells all the other animals of the city what phineas and ferb have made... 'a little birdie told me'... and all the animals start arriving... a stampeding herd...
(-the willing masses running to the :systems of control: because of what they promise to be able to do for them)

[side note -- scene of cat's bolting from their cat ladies house...
-scientist's can now kill the disease that cat's carry a that cause mental illness in humans]
ferb turns into a psychiatrist for the animals hearing their grievances, convincing them that some of their complaints are unfounded and consoling others... he decides to become a mediator between the animals and their masters/owners, letting them know what their pets want...

meanwhile candace is talking on the phone looking at a picture of a princess and prince on the wall... she's pasted photos of jeremy and her over the p and p's faces...
(-the fairy princess · disney princesses programming · walt disney · mind control of children (on the disney network?!) · triggers for programming · MKULTRA)

jeremy asks her to come over and play destruction mayhem 3, but before he can finish the conversation she is at the door, she says she knows how to play the game and she tries but can't do it... she appears oblivious to the fact that she doesn't know what she is doing...
-the ignorance of the people who think they know what everything is all about but have no clue (the profane?) · or maybe he's invited her over for some reprogramming/destruction/mayhem · the destruction and mayhem of the mind, mental state · WWlll fought over the minds of the people?
jeremy's little sister's dog urinates on candace's shoe...
(-shoes in hoodoo, and i hear in ancient jewish culture (and i think italian stregheria also?), signify possession... in hoodoo often times possession is signified through the feet (the base chakras/animal desire) and jewish culture giving someone your shoe was a contract · urine is also a significant part of binding spells in hoodoo)
kanye's video "we we're once a fairytale"

we see perry the platypus, now agent p, getting his orders to go and find dr. heinz doofenshmirtz but the director cannot read the orders since the agency is now going green and he has to reuse the same piece of paper...
(-the paper looks like the blacked out FOIA papers of all the secret government projects released to the public · going green?)

agent p arrives in the forest to spy on dr. doofenshmirtz, he heeds the dr.'s request to come closer and gets trapped in half of a shark's cage... the dr. unveils his new invention the BO-AT (((Buoyancy Aquatic Operated Transporter))) which he describes as, "it's like a car, but it can drive on water, everyone will want one'... he plans to flood the city so everyone will have to have a BO-AT... he says it'll be like Venice, Italy or like to a lesser extent, Venice Beach, California...
(-buoyancy · floating on the top of water=emotions the subconscious · operated by the water/subconscious · transporter=time machine through the different facets of the personality, alters, splits... plans to (((mind control everyone))) just like Venice Beach/Hollywood's playground :=: Venice Italy ties to the founding of the illuminati?)
back at jeremy's house, after the dog urinates on candace's shoe, the dog grabs it and runs away and she goes crazy running and chasing the dog around the house trying to get it back from the dog making a huge mess. they end up in the bathroom and the dog drops it in the toilet... she get the plunger and tries to retrieve it but it all just spits back up in her face and she ends up giving up... the whole while jeremy is playing his Destruction Mayhem 3 and calmly asks her if she's okay... jeremy then asks her if she is ready for the 3rd level and you hear the door slam as she runs out of the house without her shoe...
(-she's trying to get her mind back, take back the contract and goes crazy in the process and resigns herself to her fate/gives in · jeremy her handler?
she ends up back at home and sees the animal mind reading machine and starts bad mouthing all the animals (hating the confusion and desire of her animal selves)... because of the machine, they can understand her and become angry and start to chase her down the streets... different animals attacking her...
(-the animals represent the lower mind and now she is being chased/tormented by her lower mind or alters, her hair is all crazy and she is screaming flailing her arms
working the chakras...
first a dog is nipping at her heels >
then a squirrel hit's her in the face >
then a bird picks at her hair >
then a turtle threatens her with a stick>
finally a coiled snake sits atop her head trying to bite her...)

while she is running around screaming being attacked, a 70's style HIPPIE BAND is singing/serenading her with a song titled 'it's a perfect day' with a RAINBOW behind them with little yellow flowers (sun?) on it...
(-the reports are that mind controlled people are told to go over the rainbow while they are suffering from the abusive trauma, this is how they create the splits/alters/compartments in the mind)
t's a perfect day, it's in the mid 70's
Humidity at sixty percent
It's a perfect day, not a cloud in the sky and I,
Can say without fear of dissent
It's a picture postcard perfect kind of
Summer afternoon.
It's a perfect day,
It's a perfect day.
It's a perfect day,
The birds are singing
The bees are pollinating the flowers
It's a perfect day,
The fauna is fawning
And frolicking away all the hours.
It's a picture postcard perfect kind of
Summer afternoon.
It's a perfect day,
It's a perfect day.

she runs on top of a bridge trying to evade them, they go down into the ditch and run under the bridge...
(-she's in the conscious mind they are in the subconscious... a bridge a psychology term?)
she hides behind a wall thinking she's lost them, but they come running from behind her and the chase is on again. she calls her mom who never believes anything she says to tell her 'the animals hate me!' but the mom says 'oh that's just ridiculous, perry likes you'...
(-the walls are the walls between the different alters, splits of personalities... when a person affected by this type of trauma tells people, they are brushed off, no one believes them... maybe perry symbolizes her protective alter/personality that keeps everything going?)

she runs to the forest just as dr. doofenshmirtz is releasing the water from the dam and she runs across the water's path and the animals are swept away with the water. candace turns around and says 'oh. nevermind' ...
(-water the subconscious, emotions, the dream world, reactions to current stimuli, quick change in mood, wash=water=brain)
as the dr. is riding in his BO-AT and he says 'i'm driving on water, i'm bo-ating... woohoo... look at me, i'm living the dream'... as the water sweeps away the animals they now appear in the BO-AT... like a noah's ark... but now they look dumbstruck zombified...
now all the animal/subconscious alters are safely back inside, with the help of more mind control techniques (((the BO-AT with the dr. at the helm)))
while all this was going on, phineas and ferb had been going door to door telling all the owners and masters what the animals wanted and how to keep them happy so they won't rebel and run away and they'll go back inside... the animals had 78 food requests (78=prayer, animals lowing/calling, to consume or feed on, food :and more: in hebrew gematria) and 42 belly rub requests (42= a god or God, terror, timid or shy, an alarm, to rest, to cease, concealment, to hide :and more: in HG)
back in the water, agent p swims ahead of the BO-AT to open the MOAT (Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench) to save the city's residents and the flood of water goes around the city taking the dr., the BO-AT/Ark with all the now mute mannequin looking animals with it... when the dr. sees the sign at the entrance of the Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench he says 'hey that says MOAT, i never noticed that before'...
(-the tide of emotions with the animals selves safely back inside, they go around and miss the sleeping city=mind/the unawares... the dr.'s statement an acknowledgment to the subliminals and what we don't see that is right in front of our faces...)

now everybody is back at the house and candace is trying to prove to her mom everything that she said was true by showing her the thought reading machine... the mom says 'oh that's adorable' and they put perry up to talk into the microphone... candace thinks now she is going to be vindicated when the machine translates perry's thoughts... she gives a crazy out of her head laugh wringing her hands and wide eyed... but the machine doesn't work of course, no explanation as to why (perry double agent status... working against the people he's trying to protect? keep them alseep?)... the mom then says 'ohhh iyou know inside he's saying you guys are the best'... candace then points her index/jupiter finger at perry (is he the master/mind) and is standing there dumbfounded... she sadly walks away when jeremy walks up... he has brought back her shoe which he says he has washed (cleaned=brainwash=water) and graciously says 'allow me' and he places it back on her foot on one knee, cinderella style.

candace passes out (((back into deep trance))) and jeremy asks if she is ok and she replies 'enchanted'.

phineas and ferb - interview with a platypus at YT
maybe this was a symbol of someone having a psychotic break and remembering what happened to them and getting reprogrammed or something? oh wait, but here i am acting like this is for SIRIUS...
oh and the shark and the green thing?... i have no clue what those mean... i just saw them on the s y nc ho le and thought i'd tag em for future reference, jic...
[↑date -- i also didn't really know what a jupiter finger was, so i thought i'd better look it up and google listed a post from the s y nc ho le on it and the number connected to it is 42]
maybe it's a good thing that i missed the boats that i did... i think i'll try and miss more... if i see a boat coming, i think i'll move out of the way...
sad 222
i pray :the lost boy: finds his way...

comment from reader at tmz: "here in Canada 222s are over the counter Aspirin with Codeine"
zen, clouds, hot air balloon (looks like the flower of life), gondola basket old peace sign and 222
i thought of that old 70's tv program Room 222 this morning... i could not stand that show, but i used to watch it every week... strange memory. and then i find in the comments for the above article, someone mentions the show... i haven't thought about that show in many many years.

comment from reader at tmz: "here in Canada 222s are over the counter Aspirin with Codeine"
zen, clouds, hot air balloon (looks like the flower of life), gondola basket old peace sign and 222
i thought of that old 70's tv program Room 222 this morning... i could not stand that show, but i used to watch it every week... strange memory. and then i find in the comments for the above article, someone mentions the show... i haven't thought about that show in many many years.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Me eYES hurt
...rock stars :check: hippies :check: classic folk rock :check: pioneers of hip hop :check:... who's left? got me. i now officially have no idea who is not part of the plot of the eVAL master(((minds))) to take Ohver the wOrLD.

if your a classic rock baby and you don't mind your (((SENSE)))-itivities being knocked around for the sake of 'truth', check out this article...
and also to wRAP up this little nichieniche of the peaceniks, check out the century of the SELF series (there's 4 -- 4 pt. episodes and alot of folks got em' uploaded on YT so just google if link doesn't work... 3rdkrypton on YT has em all under label--->'How to Stupify Society')... talks about \eSALEn/ and what a load a crap that all was and who and why that created. many many many folks have been hurt by the bullshit that has streamed and is still streaming out that mind(((zapping))) cult factory.
here's a little video series about the also ∴spontaneous∴ beginnings of the hip hOP culture. yeah they were all supposed to be SPAWN-tain-eous... (and here's another1)
since the family units were BROKEn down↓ and replaced with all these different CREATEd CULTure unITs... and all ties to previous oral history cut and conviently CONVINCE-ingly re-writtten manufacturered into the little handbooks regurgitated at the ZOMBIE factories... we CIVILized privileged folks really don't have a clue about what is true and what's not true anymore. so what to do? or more correctly i SHOULD say what am I to do? we are all on our own now.
:or is that a little too memphis · bleak???!:
well i'll see if the views changes as the sleep continues to fall from my eYES...
↑date same day, later hour -- i was just thinking... so they destroyed the family units (immediate and extended), but they know that it is a strong human drive to be in a group... so there is the reason for these trends, fads and CULTures... satisfies the need superficially, yet is controlled in the background by those CONnected ones. in the family the trust factor was HIGH. in these IMITAT(E)ion tribes, the equalibrium of the BLOODties is not there.
the 'seeking peace and love in the world' (<---insert personal ideal here) members are trusting to the point of gullibility. then a wrong occurs and the person falls deeper into gullibility :denial:, or the person calls himself smart>leaves>and finds himself doing it all over again in another CULTure CREATEd. each time finding himself in a spot where he instinctively looks to a puppet dressed up in LEADer SAV(E)iour GUr(G)U (baby where's your BABA?) clothing.
eVAL is a briliantly subtle mad genius disguised as a crazy raving mad lunatic.
if your a classic rock baby and you don't mind your (((SENSE)))-itivities being knocked around for the sake of 'truth', check out this article...
and also to wRAP up this little nichieniche of the peaceniks, check out the century of the SELF series (there's 4 -- 4 pt. episodes and alot of folks got em' uploaded on YT so just google if link doesn't work... 3rdkrypton on YT has em all under label--->'How to Stupify Society')... talks about \eSALEn/ and what a load a crap that all was and who and why that created. many many many folks have been hurt by the bullshit that has streamed and is still streaming out that mind(((zapping))) cult factory.
here's a little video series about the also ∴spontaneous∴ beginnings of the hip hOP culture. yeah they were all supposed to be SPAWN-tain-eous... (and here's another1)
since the family units were BROKEn down↓ and replaced with all these different CREATEd CULTure unITs... and all ties to previous oral history cut and conviently CONVINCE-ingly re-writtten manufacturered into the little handbooks regurgitated at the ZOMBIE factories... we CIVILized privileged folks really don't have a clue about what is true and what's not true anymore. so what to do? or more correctly i SHOULD say what am I to do? we are all on our own now.
:or is that a little too memphis · bleak???!:
well i'll see if the views changes as the sleep continues to fall from my eYES...
↑date same day, later hour -- i was just thinking... so they destroyed the family units (immediate and extended), but they know that it is a strong human drive to be in a group... so there is the reason for these trends, fads and CULTures... satisfies the need superficially, yet is controlled in the background by those CONnected ones. in the family the trust factor was HIGH. in these IMITAT(E)ion tribes, the equalibrium of the BLOODties is not there.
the 'seeking peace and love in the world' (<---insert personal ideal here) members are trusting to the point of gullibility. then a wrong occurs and the person falls deeper into gullibility :denial:, or the person calls himself smart>leaves>and finds himself doing it all over again in another CULTure CREATEd. each time finding himself in a spot where he instinctively looks to a puppet dressed up in LEADer SAV(E)iour GUr(G)U (baby where's your BABA?) clothing.
eVAL is a briliantly subtle mad genius disguised as a crazy raving mad lunatic.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Eat some π
of course today is national Pi Day... since i'm numerically illiterate and have celiac's i won't be celebrating... i love both π's immensely tho. i love circles, they're so prittayyyy and perfect and smoooooth... and cirCle pies are so yummmayyyy

maybe this year i'll attempt to start breaking my number barrier
i wonder if Obama is eating his fair share of π today???

maybe this year i'll attempt to start breaking my number barrier
i wonder if Obama is eating his fair share of π today???
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Tool Time
jay-z and geMATRI(X)a...

SYNCHonasia in seSSion: geMATRI(X)a REmEdiaL 95
i've conTInuEd looking into what gematria is all about... i've come across a couple of calculators one for english and one for hebrew. from what i'm reading, this is a traditional hebrew kabbalah sySTEM. folks also view latin, medieval and arabic language usage as semi-tradish. pretty interesting what came up for some words i entered... but this one's gonna be on mr. i-wanna-rule-the-world.
i did his stage name on both the english and hebrew versions and here is some of what came up...

A=1 / Sun and Moon
62, action, benedict, books, border, calcium, capital, carriage, choices, clarinda, coincide, cosmic, da vinci, davinci, digital, dollar, doubt, elvin, favor, flight, flys, geburah, graphic, grudge, harbor, hearing, host, hour, imagined, insane, jay-z, jayz, jogger, karaoke, king of, kingu, lactate, lilit, lurk, madonna, marks, mason, mauve, misled, newt, noise, plans, plum, poop, prom, punk, queen, refuge, rest, revel, ribalt, riches, riot, sangchai, scrabble, sesame, sharp, sienna, sighs, stick, tatu, terra, think, tool, torah, ulti, under, viral, vote, went, yemen
17, a okay, achad, aeon, almost, ask pea, astral, august, axis, bacon, badly, bear, bemo, bends, beth, bill, bio, boaz, bond, booba, books, brama, catch, clean, clock, coastal, cobalt, cook, cubed, decad, dim, disc, dog, doubt, eli, eye, fable, fit, flys, game, glans, god, guy, heal, hi, hoc, host, ice, ikea, imac, iz, jay-z, jayz, kemo, kill, knave, kolan, kool, kosh, lactate, laid, lamed, lance, lanz, laura, lie, lin, look, lurk, mail, mammal, marks, mason, mauve, mold, moses, nano, newt, nose, oath, ones, ozka, pdx, pee, pen, plans, plum, posts, psalms, punk, rank, rap, rate, raum, ray, rest, rot, run, sabbath, sesame, shake, site, skin, smart, snow, soup, space, stick, subject, success, sunset, tamales, tarsus, tear, teen, teth, ties, till, tool, tor, trust, ulti, vail, values, vmi, vote, wait, went, yod, zah, zeus
New Aeon
40, altar, arrows, ashdown, ashes, bb, chakra, crows, cry, dig, flys, glasgow, hair, handy, have, hello, host, hour, jay-z, jayz, lurk, nail, no way, qanas, razor, rug, sake, scam, shasta, sir, skulls, tcw, tool, wasps, win, woozy, ye

45, alhambra, amy reid, arrow, athens, aurius, badger, balance, beating, branch, buehler, carpet, carrie, chariot, cherokee, chess, choices, choose ye, chris, claudia, claus, clock, coffin, coming, daniel, denial, diddy, eagles, egelli, fermium, fourth, fox hire, friday, fucked, guitar, healing, high heaven, indigo, jay-z, jayz, jesus, juror, kemo sabe, ketchup, learn, lilit, linen, lord, lost, maitreya, matums, mermaid, moors, new aeon, north, nuts, orange, our path, parable, parhelia, player, poetry, pokemon, rblt, renuka, scion, search, sets, shadow, shown, slug, sover, stun, super, tamince, tammus, tattwa, the fool, thought, tongue, tounge, track, valley, vampyre, vibrate, which day, wreck, yelps
"release", 31 may 1971, 58, al nuke, arnold, as above, barium, bastard, black gold, booze, caligula, challenge, color, cometh, depart, diety, dinner, eagle seal, elves, enchant, expand, fake book, fakebook, fiery, florida, flys, gold red, hanged man, heather, host, hot cha cha, hour, israel, jay-z, jayz, kabbalion, lip balm, locker, lurk, masks, newt, olive, ou need, paris, penis, plum, poop, prom, punk, rest, riot, roland, saint, samhain, shaun, sight, smoke, spine, tamince, tatu, taupe, tool, ulti, vote, went, whole, witch, wow, you
i just highLIGHTed some of the interesting ones... i don't know too much about it yet, still reading. from what i've read, all these words resonate with the same number and in each section there is a different number assigned to each letter... each version having it's own reasoning.
next i'll post the hebrew geMATRI(X)a version,which i think will be pretty long on second thought i'm not posting all of these... there's WAY too many... so just the one's i think are relevant will have to suffice. B^)
so it's a transliteration of jay-z... (Yod-Ayin-Zain) 87יעז
be -foolish, foolish; (subst); of one who despises wisdom; of one who mocks when guilty; of one who is quarrelsome; of one who is licentious
-hall, gallery, saloon, floor, auditorium
-Ollila, Jorma Ollila (born 1950) , Chairman of the Finnish cellular telephone company Nokia
-to sink, sink into, sink down, pierce, settle down, drown, be; settled, be planted; (Qal) to sink, sink down; (Pual) to be sunk; (Hophal) to cause to sink

- threat, intimidation, menace, embracery; warning
-locating, spotting, pinpointing
-god, God; god, heathen deity; God (of Israel)
- Alon (name)
-Chief, duke; guide
-Oak; oak-wood
-idol, god, demigod
-God, deity
-oil can; lubricator
-Illicit, forbidden
- to cause to work; enslave; to employ
- nose, snout, snoot, neb, pecker
- nostril, nose, face; anger
-to kick; trample, tread; scorn; deviate, warp
-expression, manifestation, voice, enunciation; phrase, idiom, term, utterance, figure, tag
-priest, principal officer or chief ruler; priest-king (Melchizedek, Messiah); pagan priests; priests of Jehovah; Levitical priests; Zadokite priests; Aaronic priests; the high priest
- louse, pediculosis
-to weep, bewail, cry, shed tears; (Qal); to weep (in grief, humiliation, or joy); to weep bitterly (with cognate acc.); to weep upon (embrace and weep); to bewail; (Piel) participle; lamenting; bewailing
- king of Babylon in the days of Hezekiah
-full moon
-a descendant of Esau; a Benjamite
-a jew
-a going round, continuance; adv; still, yet, again, besides; still, yet (of continuance or persistence); still, yet, more (of addition or repetition); again; still, moreover, besides
-to attack, assault; swoop down, dart

-to kick; trample, tread; scorn; deviate, warp
-mouth; mouth (of man); mouth (as organ of speech); mouth (of animals); mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); extremity, end
-giggle, grin, titter, chuckle; grotesqueness, ludicrousness, funniness, derisiveness
-rolling, somersault; revolving; reincarnation, karma
-be depressed, oppressed; crushed, suppressed
-to defeat, rout, beat
-to express; make flow
- nonsense, vanity, futility, idleness
-vapour, breath; breath, vapour; vanity (fig.); adv; vainly
-to be nationalized
-to be forced to work
-to annihilate
-son, grandson, child, member of a group; son, male child; grandson; children (pl. - male and female); youth, young men (pl.); young (of animals); sons (as characterisation, ie sons of injustice [for un-; righteous men] or sons of God [for angels]; people (of a nation) (pl.); of lifeless things, ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); a member of a guild, order, class
-to camouflage
-to grimace, pervert; sin
-to bend, twist, distort; (Niphal) to be bent, be bowed down, be twisted, be perverted; (Piel) to twist, distort; (Hiphil) to do perversely; to commit iniquity, do wrong, pervert; (Qal) to do wrong, commit iniquity; (Hiphil) to commit iniquity
-daring, boldness, venture, guts, nerve, temerity, bravado, hardihood, hardiness; insolence, audaciousness
-to be strong; (Qal) to be strong, prevail; (Hiphil) to make firm, strengthen
-to cloud, overcloud; make scowl
- pain, trembling, terror, writhing, anguish
-to eat, devour, burn up, feed; (Qal); to eat (human subject); to eat, devour (of beasts and birds); to devour, consume (of fire); to devour, slay (of sword); to devour, consume, destroy (inanimate subjects -; ie, pestilence, drought); to devour (of oppression); (Niphal); to be eaten (by men); to be devoured, consumed (of fire); to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh); (Pual); to cause to eat, feed with; to cause to devour; (Hiphil); to feed; to cause to eat; (Piel); consume
-to shine; (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's favour); (Hiphil) to flash forth light; to praise, boast, be boastful; (Qal); to be boastful; boastful ones, boasters (participle); (Piel); to praise; to boast, make a boast; (Pual); to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be commended, be; worthy of praise; (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make one's boast; (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; (Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman
-to fill, be full; (Qal); to be full; 1a fullness, abundance (participle); 1a to be full, be accomplished, be ended; to consecrate, fill the hand; (Niphal); to be filled, be armed, be satisfied; to be accomplished, be ended; (Piel); to fill; to satisfy; to fulfil, accomplish, complete; to confirm; (Pual) to be filled; (Hithpael) to mass themselves against
okay that's it for now... i copied most of the one's i saw... those give the general jest of it... but i don't think i even gota quarter half of the way through... maybe i'll post more later

SYNCHonasia in seSSion: geMATRI(X)a REmEdiaL 95
i've conTInuEd looking into what gematria is all about... i've come across a couple of calculators one for english and one for hebrew. from what i'm reading, this is a traditional hebrew kabbalah sySTEM. folks also view latin, medieval and arabic language usage as semi-tradish. pretty interesting what came up for some words i entered... but this one's gonna be on mr. i-wanna-rule-the-world.
i did his stage name on both the english and hebrew versions and here is some of what came up...

A=1 / Sun and Moon
62, action, benedict, books, border, calcium, capital, carriage, choices, clarinda, coincide, cosmic, da vinci, davinci, digital, dollar, doubt, elvin, favor, flight, flys, geburah, graphic, grudge, harbor, hearing, host, hour, imagined, insane, jay-z, jayz, jogger, karaoke, king of, kingu, lactate, lilit, lurk, madonna, marks, mason, mauve, misled, newt, noise, plans, plum, poop, prom, punk, queen, refuge, rest, revel, ribalt, riches, riot, sangchai, scrabble, sesame, sharp, sienna, sighs, stick, tatu, terra, think, tool, torah, ulti, under, viral, vote, went, yemen
17, a okay, achad, aeon, almost, ask pea, astral, august, axis, bacon, badly, bear, bemo, bends, beth, bill, bio, boaz, bond, booba, books, brama, catch, clean, clock, coastal, cobalt, cook, cubed, decad, dim, disc, dog, doubt, eli, eye, fable, fit, flys, game, glans, god, guy, heal, hi, hoc, host, ice, ikea, imac, iz, jay-z, jayz, kemo, kill, knave, kolan, kool, kosh, lactate, laid, lamed, lance, lanz, laura, lie, lin, look, lurk, mail, mammal, marks, mason, mauve, mold, moses, nano, newt, nose, oath, ones, ozka, pdx, pee, pen, plans, plum, posts, psalms, punk, rank, rap, rate, raum, ray, rest, rot, run, sabbath, sesame, shake, site, skin, smart, snow, soup, space, stick, subject, success, sunset, tamales, tarsus, tear, teen, teth, ties, till, tool, tor, trust, ulti, vail, values, vmi, vote, wait, went, yod, zah, zeus
New Aeon
40, altar, arrows, ashdown, ashes, bb, chakra, crows, cry, dig, flys, glasgow, hair, handy, have, hello, host, hour, jay-z, jayz, lurk, nail, no way, qanas, razor, rug, sake, scam, shasta, sir, skulls, tcw, tool, wasps, win, woozy, ye

45, alhambra, amy reid, arrow, athens, aurius, badger, balance, beating, branch, buehler, carpet, carrie, chariot, cherokee, chess, choices, choose ye, chris, claudia, claus, clock, coffin, coming, daniel, denial, diddy, eagles, egelli, fermium, fourth, fox hire, friday, fucked, guitar, healing, high heaven, indigo, jay-z, jayz, jesus, juror, kemo sabe, ketchup, learn, lilit, linen, lord, lost, maitreya, matums, mermaid, moors, new aeon, north, nuts, orange, our path, parable, parhelia, player, poetry, pokemon, rblt, renuka, scion, search, sets, shadow, shown, slug, sover, stun, super, tamince, tammus, tattwa, the fool, thought, tongue, tounge, track, valley, vampyre, vibrate, which day, wreck, yelps
"release", 31 may 1971, 58, al nuke, arnold, as above, barium, bastard, black gold, booze, caligula, challenge, color, cometh, depart, diety, dinner, eagle seal, elves, enchant, expand, fake book, fakebook, fiery, florida, flys, gold red, hanged man, heather, host, hot cha cha, hour, israel, jay-z, jayz, kabbalion, lip balm, locker, lurk, masks, newt, olive, ou need, paris, penis, plum, poop, prom, punk, rest, riot, roland, saint, samhain, shaun, sight, smoke, spine, tamince, tatu, taupe, tool, ulti, vote, went, whole, witch, wow, you
i just highLIGHTed some of the interesting ones... i don't know too much about it yet, still reading. from what i've read, all these words resonate with the same number and in each section there is a different number assigned to each letter... each version having it's own reasoning.
next i'll post the hebrew geMATRI(X)a version,
so it's a transliteration of jay-z... (Yod-Ayin-Zain) 87יעז
be -foolish, foolish; (subst); of one who despises wisdom; of one who mocks when guilty; of one who is quarrelsome; of one who is licentious
-hall, gallery, saloon, floor, auditorium
-Ollila, Jorma Ollila (born 1950) , Chairman of the Finnish cellular telephone company Nokia
-to sink, sink into, sink down, pierce, settle down, drown, be; settled, be planted; (Qal) to sink, sink down; (Pual) to be sunk; (Hophal) to cause to sink

- threat, intimidation, menace, embracery; warning
-locating, spotting, pinpointing
-god, God; god, heathen deity; God (of Israel)
- Alon (name)
-Chief, duke; guide
-Oak; oak-wood
-idol, god, demigod
-God, deity
-oil can; lubricator
-Illicit, forbidden
- to cause to work; enslave; to employ
- nose, snout, snoot, neb, pecker
- nostril, nose, face; anger
-to kick; trample, tread; scorn; deviate, warp

-expression, manifestation, voice, enunciation; phrase, idiom, term, utterance, figure, tag
-priest, principal officer or chief ruler; priest-king (Melchizedek, Messiah); pagan priests; priests of Jehovah; Levitical priests; Zadokite priests; Aaronic priests; the high priest
- louse, pediculosis
-to weep, bewail, cry, shed tears; (Qal); to weep (in grief, humiliation, or joy); to weep bitterly (with cognate acc.); to weep upon (embrace and weep); to bewail; (Piel) participle; lamenting; bewailing
- king of Babylon in the days of Hezekiah
-full moon
-a descendant of Esau; a Benjamite
-a jew
-a going round, continuance; adv; still, yet, again, besides; still, yet (of continuance or persistence); still, yet, more (of addition or repetition); again; still, moreover, besides
-to attack, assault; swoop down, dart

-to kick; trample, tread; scorn; deviate, warp
-mouth; mouth (of man); mouth (as organ of speech); mouth (of animals); mouth, opening, orifice (of a well, river, etc); extremity, end
-giggle, grin, titter, chuckle; grotesqueness, ludicrousness, funniness, derisiveness
-rolling, somersault; revolving; reincarnation, karma
-be depressed, oppressed; crushed, suppressed
-to defeat, rout, beat
-to express; make flow
- nonsense, vanity, futility, idleness
-vapour, breath; breath, vapour; vanity (fig.); adv; vainly
-to be nationalized
-to be forced to work
-to annihilate
-son, grandson, child, member of a group; son, male child; grandson; children (pl. - male and female); youth, young men (pl.); young (of animals); sons (as characterisation, ie sons of injustice [for un-; righteous men] or sons of God [for angels]; people (of a nation) (pl.); of lifeless things, ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); a member of a guild, order, class
-to camouflage
-to grimace, pervert; sin
-to bend, twist, distort; (Niphal) to be bent, be bowed down, be twisted, be perverted; (Piel) to twist, distort; (Hiphil) to do perversely; to commit iniquity, do wrong, pervert; (Qal) to do wrong, commit iniquity; (Hiphil) to commit iniquity
-daring, boldness, venture, guts, nerve, temerity, bravado, hardihood, hardiness; insolence, audaciousness
-to be strong; (Qal) to be strong, prevail; (Hiphil) to make firm, strengthen
-to cloud, overcloud; make scowl
- pain, trembling, terror, writhing, anguish
-to eat, devour, burn up, feed; (Qal); to eat (human subject); to eat, devour (of beasts and birds); to devour, consume (of fire); to devour, slay (of sword); to devour, consume, destroy (inanimate subjects -; ie, pestilence, drought); to devour (of oppression); (Niphal); to be eaten (by men); to be devoured, consumed (of fire); to be wasted, destroyed (of flesh); (Pual); to cause to eat, feed with; to cause to devour; (Hiphil); to feed; to cause to eat; (Piel); consume
-to shine; (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's favour); (Hiphil) to flash forth light; to praise, boast, be boastful; (Qal); to be boastful; boastful ones, boasters (participle); (Piel); to praise; to boast, make a boast; (Pual); to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be commended, be; worthy of praise; (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make one's boast; (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; (Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman
-to fill, be full; (Qal); to be full; 1a fullness, abundance (participle); 1a to be full, be accomplished, be ended; to consecrate, fill the hand; (Niphal); to be filled, be armed, be satisfied; to be accomplished, be ended; (Piel); to fill; to satisfy; to fulfil, accomplish, complete; to confirm; (Pual) to be filled; (Hithpael) to mass themselves against
okay that's it for now... i copied most of the one's i saw... those give the general jest of it... but i don't think i even got
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Why come...

when i see predictions made about the 2012 boogey man scenario, no one mentions African countries in how it's all gonna go down? practically every other place is covered. "i see spaceships converging over major us cities... i see a hole forming in the sun... i see the united kingdom engulfed in flames... i see south america with great rivers of fire and great quaking... i see jupiter colliding with mars... europe will be covered in storms and in danger of an impending ice age... X-set-e-rah X-set-e-rah X-set-e-rah
--is Africa not romantic enough for the fortune tellers of doom to include in the
note: the people who believe they have all the power and money have romanticized a lot of indigenous cultures that appear to be keeping the OLD secrets. most all but ONE. (or maybe they have fallen for the romanticization that's been offered to them? but then this would imply manipulation... surely can't be? if manipulated then by whom? and pray tell, what would they have to gain by orchestrating this? hmmm... something to think about there) so to keep the 'bourgeois power and money' engaged in this sideshow, they gotta appeal to the crowd. they gotta pull those strings, work those
so what i'm saying is... maybe these folks ain't telling the full truth? after the world trade center event a lot of ugliness came out in people. there's people who can smell fear a mile a way and they live to gobble it up and convert it into power energy. i don't think it's a coincedence this doomy-gloomy-ness spawned here in america and spread itself out onto the globe.
¿answer?=follow the $$$+power
[↑date] march 13, 2010
my sister informs me that in the movie 2012 (which i did not see) only the continent of Africa survives, it gets raised/pushed up... hahahahahha gonna comment on this later
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Everytime I look at you...
...you show me something crazy and you tell me more and more about yourself.
random stuff that seems wack'd or out of place. :from the tube, moovies, online, news, etc.:

6teen · Cartoon --
-episode where one of the characters gets 'brainwashed' by her job (a Gap-like store) and when her personality alters, she is in a luxury all-white bathroom with a recorded voice talking to her and she is looking in a mirror. After she switches over, she has a butterfly clip in her hair. there is also an xbox in here and a triangle pendant necklace. i'm also noticing they are showing cartoon characters using the bathroom now. didn't use to do that. to accustom the youngsters to a lessened sense of privacy, i suspect.
Barbie I can be a babysitter toy set commercial
-strange. first of all since when is potty training the main duty of a babysitter? as a matter a fact, since when is it a duty at all??? second, when they show the Kelly doll getting her pants pulled down. wouldn't be bad, but the way it's shot. looks kinda crazy. voice over says "Barbie knows when she needs to go" or something like that... and then it cuts to a shot in the play toilet where there is a yellow disc with a "brown circle" in the center and Barbie flushes and the yellow disc flips over.
can't find this commercial (found it here... i musta missed the first part cuz they have a real little girl who looks to old to be potty training sitting on a toilet... WTHeck?!) but here are a couple of others... cleaning up after dog, cat using litter box
Barbie Glamor Beach House
-two things. numba1... another toilet's involved. this wouldn't be bad, but there's just something weird about it. facts have proven that corporation don't care about the kids... they only care about them as future 'buyers of products'. and Barbie houses didn't used to have toilets when i was coming up.
Barbie makers seem to have become a little fascinated with toilet subjects. reminds me of what i've heard folks say about W. Disney... that he was fascinated with anything to do with the 'behind' and that people used to have to pull him back a bit in this area when it came to his early cartoons.
numba2... when it shows the little girl playing with the Barbie and you can only see her hand, her finger placement is a little strange. the finger looks a breast in a quick flash. i remember in commercials the models used to hold the Barbies by their legs... i remember because i used to try to hold mine like that when i was playing and it was always difficult.
can't find video will add when i do
Alvin in the Chipmunks Soundtrack commercial
-little girl chipmunks sexy dancing to "All the Single Ladies".
Online News Article
-to explain how they were able to track a missing person's whereabouts, the euphemism 'crime fighting cameras' is used as opposed to what they really are 'closed circuit surveillance cameras'.
Stoked · Cartoon --
-main surfing no shirt wearing homeboy is drawn so you can see his hip bones. sexual type references throughout the show. says TV-13 or whatever it's called, but it's not for a 13 year old and who it is appropriate for, ain't gonna be sitting around watching cartoons at 6pm...
random stuff that seems wack'd or out of place. :from the tube, moovies, online, news, etc.:

6teen · Cartoon --
-episode where one of the characters gets 'brainwashed' by her job (a Gap-like store) and when her personality alters, she is in a luxury all-white bathroom with a recorded voice talking to her and she is looking in a mirror. After she switches over, she has a butterfly clip in her hair. there is also an xbox in here and a triangle pendant necklace. i'm also noticing they are showing cartoon characters using the bathroom now. didn't use to do that. to accustom the youngsters to a lessened sense of privacy, i suspect.
Barbie I can be a babysitter toy set commercial
-strange. first of all since when is potty training the main duty of a babysitter? as a matter a fact, since when is it a duty at all??? second, when they show the Kelly doll getting her pants pulled down. wouldn't be bad, but the way it's shot. looks kinda crazy. voice over says "Barbie knows when she needs to go" or something like that... and then it cuts to a shot in the play toilet where there is a yellow disc with a "brown circle" in the center and Barbie flushes and the yellow disc flips over.
Barbie Glamor Beach House
-two things. numba1... another toilet's involved. this wouldn't be bad, but there's just something weird about it. facts have proven that corporation don't care about the kids... they only care about them as future 'buyers of products'. and Barbie houses didn't used to have toilets when i was coming up.
Barbie makers seem to have become a little fascinated with toilet subjects. reminds me of what i've heard folks say about W. Disney... that he was fascinated with anything to do with the 'behind' and that people used to have to pull him back a bit in this area when it came to his early cartoons.
numba2... when it shows the little girl playing with the Barbie and you can only see her hand, her finger placement is a little strange. the finger looks a breast in a quick flash. i remember in commercials the models used to hold the Barbies by their legs... i remember because i used to try to hold mine like that when i was playing and it was always difficult.
can't find video will add when i do
Alvin in the Chipmunks Soundtrack commercial
-little girl chipmunks sexy dancing to "All the Single Ladies".
Online News Article
-to explain how they were able to track a missing person's whereabouts, the euphemism 'crime fighting cameras' is used as opposed to what they really are 'closed circuit surveillance cameras'.
Stoked · Cartoon --
-main surfing no shirt wearing homeboy is drawn so you can see his hip bones. sexual type references throughout the show. says TV-13 or whatever it's called, but it's not for a 13 year old and who it is appropriate for, ain't gonna be sitting around watching cartoons at 6pm...
mind game,
the dollies,
what I SEE
Numbers all look the same

how do folks keep track of all tHEIR numbers? they all look the same to me... i'm trying working with funny numbers that i hear/see that seem out of place. just to get a feel for it...
*Phineas and Ferb*
the opening song says 104 days till going back to school... why 104 days? summer vacation is usually 3 months... 92 days I think would be correct or maybe that's nit picky?
104 in Hebrew Gematria equals to :rest, warm, sunny, from the time that, foundation, to murmur, to whisper: ...among other things.
episode Phineas and Ferb get busted one of the brothers randomly says 473 (edit -- i checked... they are missing bolt 473 from their "Flying Car of the Future Today" landing tower) while working on a rocket ship car (
473 in HGC equals :ships, son of strength:
also in this episode they end up being sent to Smile Away Reform School to be reprogrammed. the programming techniques are a purposeful nod to Clockwork Orange... Clockwork Orange??? once of the most craziest movies I've ever seen and could not get all the way through?! perfect choice. also Back to the Future theme used while riding the rocket car they are building (fly car of the future today). also references to :trojan horse, horses (out of place ref): kids say "escaping is wrong and wrongness is bad"
cartooning it up,
numbers numbers,
what do you SEE,
what I SEE
:running list of roBOT sightings:
i don't watch hardly any TUBE eXcept with my grandkids... and i don't even think about roBOTS but they've been POPping up eVERYwhere heRE lAteLy... (DARPy's fault!) let's see if it continues...

1. Outer Limits - robot nanny suspected gonna go crazy, but the wife at the ends up being the crazy scheming robot
2. can't remember right now I will add later...
3. Krypto Dog cartoon - robot dog turn evil, but the little sidekick boy realizes the robot was just sad...
4. Spongebob - spongey thinks Mr. Crabs is a robot after seeing a scary movie he shouldn't have been watching :tsk tsk: i guess if a sponge can feel why not a roBOT?
5. Rihanna's roBO porn in Germany
i don't watch hardly any TUBE eXcept with my grandkids... and i don't even think about roBOTS but they've been POPping up eVERYwhere heRE lAteLy... (DARPy's fault!) let's see if it continues...

1. Outer Limits - robot nanny suspected gonna go crazy, but the wife at the ends up being the crazy scheming robot
2. can't remember right now I will add later...
3. Krypto Dog cartoon - robot dog turn evil, but the little sidekick boy realizes the robot was just sad...
4. Spongebob - spongey thinks Mr. Crabs is a robot after seeing a scary movie he shouldn't have been watching :tsk tsk: i guess if a sponge can feel why not a roBOT?
5. Rihanna's roBO porn in Germany
Monday, March 8, 2010
Flat and Full

On cue... day1 of Last Quarter of the dark mOOn. repressive forces are afoot. not angry, not sad... darkly numb.
awoke to a sore scratchy throat... throat the tunnel of the voice. voice suppression? dazy-ness... STAIRing off into space... self CENSORed... ¿aPATHy eXe(o)rcise?

The Throat Chakra is associated with the color sky blue. This chakra is our will center. The healthfulness of the fifth chakra is in relation to how honestly one expresses himself/herself. Lying violates the body and spirit . We speak our choices with our voices (throats). All choices we make in our lives have consequences on an energetic level. Even choosing not to make a choice such as in repressing our anger (not speaking out) may manifest into laryngitis. We have all experienced that "lump in our throats" when we are at a crossroad of not knowing how to speak the right words in any given situation, perhaps even stuffing our own emotions. A challenge of the throat chakra is to express ourselves in the most truthful manner. Also to receive and assimilate information. Seek only the truth. http://healing.about.com/cs/chakras/a/chakra5.htm
☆chakra #5 number 5 number 5 granma press the 5 granma see the 5 granma it's a 5☆
news painting with inVISIBLE strokes... (wrangling in the herd)
conspiracy theorrorist
we aRe what we eat... out eating dark forces transmitTORs. shoulda woulda coulda :shouldi wouldi couldi:
3. Eat out
2. HOme Made
1. Home grown raised
:logical question: how can they put out so much food e'ryday at such cheep prices?
Eyes and Planes
what's this EYE see?
EYES and planes PLAINS :dimensional:PLANES
vision bright light aim between the EYES AYES I's
moments before take-off with one between the EYES
Θ Theta Θ θ theta θ
∂ part ∅ empty
the doorway
sleeping to awake awake to sleeping
coming online ready to receive input
Going deeper into a trance-like state of meditation, you enter the mysterious Theta state where brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. Theta is one of the more elusive and extraordinary realms you can explore. It is also known as the twilight state which you normally only experience fleetingly upon waking, or drifting off to sleep.Theta is the brain state where magic happens in the crucible of your own neurological activity.http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab/brain-states/theta.html
to be contINUed as signals arrive
EYES and planes PLAINS :dimensional:PLANES
vision bright light aim between the EYES AYES I's
moments before take-off with one between the EYES
Θ Theta Θ θ theta θ
∂ part ∅ empty
the doorway
sleeping to awake awake to sleeping
coming online ready to receive input
Going deeper into a trance-like state of meditation, you enter the mysterious Theta state where brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. Theta is one of the more elusive and extraordinary realms you can explore. It is also known as the twilight state which you normally only experience fleetingly upon waking, or drifting off to sleep.Theta is the brain state where magic happens in the crucible of your own neurological activity.http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab/brain-states/theta.html
to be contINUed as signals arrive
Friday, March 5, 2010
CTD / Connecting the Dots -- RED Dress
CTD -- Connecting the Dots -- RED Dress
For PopSci's article on DARPA's BioDesign project to create immortal synthetic beings, their attached graphic conspicuously depicts the ISB as the (IN)famous Woman In The Red Dress. So for my first foray into the world of the synchonauts, I will use this as the starting square on my travels around the board of OZ.

So here we have Immortal Synthetic Being shown as the popularized version of sexy... skimpy LUST RED dress, blond hair, synthetic gym toned body, black push me back pumps, everything a man could ask for(?).

here's the Woman in The RED Dress program written by Mouse in the Matrix... a little bit of cheese... watch the fingers...

"To deny our impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human." -- Mouse
So the actress who plays the Woman in the RED Dress is Fiona JOHNSON. Fiona meaning 'fair, white'. And the Fiona chosen fits that description pretty well. I didn't come across much current information for her so I will move onto other noteworthy Fionas:
Fiona Buckley (Valerie Anand) -- author
Fiona Apple -- songstress
Julia Fiona Roberts - actress
here in the role that made her famous... dehumanized woman made good... in a RED dress...

Ms. Fiona Apple's RED album titled:
"When the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king
What he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight
And he'll win the whole thing 'fore he enters the ring
There's no body to batter when your mind is your might
So when you go solo, you hold your own hand
And remember that depth is the greatest of heights
And if you know where you stand, then you know where to land
And if you fall it won't matter, cuz you'll know that you're right."

Fiona Apple... apple=sin... the one thing God asked Eve and Adam not to do (to not become Gods like him), serpent, reptile, temptation, knowledge, omniscience, first perfect woman, utopia, sacrifice, RED BLOOD birth, birth of the suffering in the world...

the whispers of the serpent... LIBERATOR OR CONQUEROR?
fear or ego or ease of life? you are the creator... you create your own life... you CREATE LIFE!?

Ms. Fiona Buckley author facsinated with queens... To Shield the Queen, Queen of Ambition, The Siren Queen, A Pawn for a Queen...

red queen of alice in wonderland symbol of disconnecting with your mind... off with their... air-head... don't think...

now to the flip side of the Women in Red... the Agent... Agent Smith

"I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure." -- Agent Smith
Agent Smith is the assassin... AI protecting the status-quo... seeking out that which might get rid of it... able to inhabit bodies still within the matrix...

he's the anti-virus against the the humans who've awakened...

the pill to wake up is red, is this a trick or a tactic of confusion? who's doing the confusing?

Douglas Quaid is offered a red pill to wake up from his virtual trip to the RED planet

Sharon Stone in RED dress... Dr. Edgemar... edge of Mars, edge of RED, BLOOD, WAR...
Actor Michael Ironside... Iron implement of Mars of Chango weapons of WAR, BLOODSHED... Iron runs rust RED...

actor Michael Ironside in Terminator Salvation with the CGI version of Arnold Schwarzenegger...

in TERMINATOR SALVATION with the synthetic version of Mr. Schwarzenegger as an Immortal Synthetic Being.
What a tripped out world.
For PopSci's article on DARPA's BioDesign project to create immortal synthetic beings, their attached graphic conspicuously depicts the ISB as the (IN)famous Woman In The Red Dress. So for my first foray into the world of the synchonauts, I will use this as the starting square on my travels around the board of OZ.

So here we have Immortal Synthetic Being shown as the popularized version of sexy... skimpy LUST RED dress, blond hair, synthetic gym toned body, black push me back pumps, everything a man could ask for(?).

here's the Woman in The RED Dress program written by Mouse in the Matrix... a little bit of cheese... watch the fingers...

"To deny our impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human." -- Mouse
So the actress who plays the Woman in the RED Dress is Fiona JOHNSON. Fiona meaning 'fair, white'. And the Fiona chosen fits that description pretty well. I didn't come across much current information for her so I will move onto other noteworthy Fionas:
Fiona Buckley (Valerie Anand) -- author
Fiona Apple -- songstress
Julia Fiona Roberts - actress
here in the role that made her famous... dehumanized woman made good... in a RED dress...

Ms. Fiona Apple's RED album titled:
"When the pawn hits the conflicts he thinks like a king
What he knows throws the blows when he goes to the fight
And he'll win the whole thing 'fore he enters the ring
There's no body to batter when your mind is your might
So when you go solo, you hold your own hand
And remember that depth is the greatest of heights
And if you know where you stand, then you know where to land
And if you fall it won't matter, cuz you'll know that you're right."

Fiona Apple... apple=sin... the one thing God asked Eve and Adam not to do (to not become Gods like him), serpent, reptile, temptation, knowledge, omniscience, first perfect woman, utopia, sacrifice, RED BLOOD birth, birth of the suffering in the world...

the whispers of the serpent... LIBERATOR OR CONQUEROR?
fear or ego or ease of life? you are the creator... you create your own life... you CREATE LIFE!?

Ms. Fiona Buckley author facsinated with queens... To Shield the Queen, Queen of Ambition, The Siren Queen, A Pawn for a Queen...

red queen of alice in wonderland symbol of disconnecting with your mind... off with their... air-head... don't think...

now to the flip side of the Women in Red... the Agent... Agent Smith

"I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure." -- Agent Smith
Agent Smith is the assassin... AI protecting the status-quo... seeking out that which might get rid of it... able to inhabit bodies still within the matrix...

he's the anti-virus against the the humans who've awakened...

the pill to wake up is red, is this a trick or a tactic of confusion? who's doing the confusing?

Douglas Quaid is offered a red pill to wake up from his virtual trip to the RED planet

Sharon Stone in RED dress... Dr. Edgemar... edge of Mars, edge of RED, BLOOD, WAR...
Actor Michael Ironside... Iron implement of Mars of Chango weapons of WAR, BLOODSHED... Iron runs rust RED...

actor Michael Ironside in Terminator Salvation with the CGI version of Arnold Schwarzenegger...

in TERMINATOR SALVATION with the synthetic version of Mr. Schwarzenegger as an Immortal Synthetic Being.
What a tripped out world.
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